The Masonic Book Club reprints, in hardback, out of copyright books on Freemasonry. The latest offering is: Orations of the Illustrious Brother Frederdick Dalcho. He was born in London in 1770 and died in Charleston, South Carolina, 1836. He was a prominent Freemason and Episcopalian Priest in that state. He is famous for his part in the founding of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at Charleston. This book contains Dalcho's 'thoughts' on Freemasonry.

A full list of books issued by the book club since 1970 is available to download (a .pdf file) and includes those few which can still be ordered from the club.

The Masonic Book Club is based in Illinos, USA, but they do send books overseas. Click here to download an application form (a .pdf file) and return it snail mail (for the time being) to the Masonic Book Club, c/o R. Carr, Secretary, 1811 Hoover Drive, Normal, IL  61761-2202, USA. The annual membership fee is for $20 USA & Canada and $25 for other countries.

PLEASE NOTE: Robin Carr, Secretary of the Book Club, has been forced to retire due to ill health. Attempts are being made to reorganize the club but if that is not possible the club will close. Meantime please do not apply for membership. We will supply updated information as soon as possible.

Appeals, Requests and Questions. Here we shall post requests for information, appeals and questions.

Here we list a few Famous Bristish Freemasons but it extremely important to appreciate that for every famous Freemason there are and were thousands, if not tens of thousands, of 'ordinary' Freemasons.


This is the only Masonic magazine devoted to Scottish Freemasonry. Published January, March and September in order to suit the Scottish Masonic year. In January 2007 the magazine celebrates its 10th anniversary with what will be a bumper issue.

The magazine can be ordered online either from the Grand Lodge online shop or directly from the publisher, Circle Publications web site. The magazine is also available at Freemasons' Hall.

Here we provide the names of a few Famous British Freemasons