Uddingston man takes up Provincial post.


ImageThe new Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward is Bro. James L. Jack (on the right in pic).

James is a Past Master of Lodge St. Bryde No. 579, Uddingston and is the first member of the Lodge to be elected to the Office of Provincial Grand Master.

The Installation was conducted by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Sir Archibald D. Orr Ewing (on the left in pic), who headed a large Deputation from Grand Lodge.

More than 450 Brethren, representing the 43 Lodges within the Province, Provincial Grand Masters from Sister Provinces throughout Scotland and visitors from America attended the Installation in Motherwell Concert Hall and the Dinner that followed.

Over £2,200 was raised at an after dinner raffle, with £1,700 donated to the Maggie`s Cancer Centre in Wishaw and £500 to the Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust. A donation of £2,800 was also made to Grand Lodge Benevolent Funds.

Bro. Jack is highly respected in Masonic circles and frequently lectures on various aspects of Freemasonry, both in Scotland and in America.

He holds Honorary Grand Rank and is a member of the Board of Grand Stewards and Grand Committee.


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