Masons responsible for the glass ceiling!

A letter published in the Scotsman on Saturday, 11th Novermber, suggested that if women could become Freemasons they would have an 'old boys' network which would let them break through the glass ceiling! A brief reply explained that women can and do become Freemasons. Below is the letter in response to that comment:

Man's world in masonsImage

Robert L. D. Cooper says "women can, and many do, become Freemasons" (Letters, 14 November.) Perhaps it is time he updated the official web site of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, where, under the essential qualifications of membership", it says "membership is open to men of any race".

The site is riddled with statements such as, "Freemasonry is a society of men; A Freemason is encouraged to do his duty to his God"; and and Freemasonry demands from its members respect for the law of the country in which a man works and lives", etc.

In the list of 90 famous Freemasons there are no women.

Perhaps Mr Cooper can tell us what percentage of the current membership is made up of those "many" women" he tells us of.

Irvine Inglis, Reston, Berwickshire. Letter to the Scotsman, 16th November 2006.

A reply has been sent to The Scotsman and we wait to see if it is published.

As of 28th November the response of the Grand Lodge of Scotland has not been printed and so it is provided here.

Response of the Grand Lodge of Scotland:

'Mr Inglis' retort (above) to my comments that women can and do become Freemasons suggests that he is not in possession of all the facts.

The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland (founded 1736) is the 'head office' of a male only organisation, but there is a Grand Lodge which admits men and women and there is another which refuses to admit men! The Grand Lodge of Scotland web site ( only provides information about the Grand Lodge of Scotland for it can only report information known to it but at Mr Inglis' behest I have added some further details on this point to the web site'.

R L D Cooper, Curator

Visitors might like to know that there are organisations which admit women - see, for example: The British Federation of the International Order of Co-Freemasonry which has a web site at: 

The organisation for women is: the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons and it to has a web site at:

The Order of Women Freemasons - A History 


Vistors might like to know that a history of the Order of Women Freemasons has been published and is available from the Grand Lodge online shop. This attractively produced book of 300 pages tells the story of the founding of the Order, its successes and progress. To purchase the book click here or on the image of the cover.

More to follow...