Cash raised in memory of community-spirited local


Local Freemasons have raised £2,500 in memory of a young man who tragically died suddenly from a previously unsuspected heart condition.

David Cochrane, a member of Lodge Hopetoun St John, No.1232, died in April of this year.

A graduate of Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University he was poised to join the Royal Navy as a junior officer when he died.

David, from Whitecross, was a familiar face in the Bridge Inn and Linlithgow Bowling Club.

Both organisations have supported the Lodge's fundraising drive which culminated with a cheque presentation in the Bridge Inn to the Cardic Risk In The Young Charity on Friday night.

Ray Newton, secretary of Lodge Hopetoun St John, No.1232, said: "David was a keen amateur sailor and fly fisher, and his untimely and tragic death was a terrible blow to his family and everyone how knew him.


"A former dux of Whitecross Primary School and former head boy at Graeme High School, David was 100 per cent committed to everything that he did and would, undoubtably, have become Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge in the future."

Ray said David's community spirit was outstanding".

He said: "On one occasion David single-handedly rescued a sailing party in trouble on Loch Sween, Argyllshire, where the family have a holiday home. He took control of the situation and got the passengers to the shore before returning to the capsized boat in which the captain was trapped. Without thought for his own safety, he plunged into the water and rescued him.

"On another occasion, he put his First Aid skills to good use when he went to the aid of a man who had been attacked in a Linlithgow street.

"David was a remarkable young man who, at the time of his death, had achieved much and would have gone on to a distinguished career in the navy.

"The Lodge is grateful for the support of the Bridge Inn and Linlithgow Bowling Club in raising the money, which we were delighted to pass on to a very worthy charity.

Allan Scott. The Linlithgowshire Journal & Gazette. Friday, 8th December 2006.