Lecture on Freemasonry and Rosslyn Chapel at Lodge The Kings Park

The recent meeting of Lodge The Kings Park, a Masonic Lodge of Research in Castlemilk Hall, Carmunock, was very well attended.

Guest speaker was, Robert Cooper, the Curator of the Grand Lodge Museum in Edinburgh.

Mr Cooper gave a presentation based around his new book, The Rosslyn Hoax?.

The presentation was an historical treatise on the origins of Freemasonry in Scotland, which pre-dates Freemasonry throughout the rest of the United Kingdom.

Mr Cooper attempted to unravel the myth from the facts regarding the origins of Freemasonry in Scotland and its reflection on Rosslyn Chapel.

Following the meeting Mr Cooper signed copies of his book [which are still available from the Grand Lodge online shop - Ed.].

In an unusual move, members wore pink ties during the evening in return for a donation to charity and when the money was totted up it amounted to £40 [with more on the way] which will be donated to a charity yet to be decided.