The latest report on the bombing of a Masonic Lodge in Turkey

Turkish Newsline 5th May 2004

Istanbul State Security Court (DGM) Chief Prosecutor's Office has completed its criminal investigation into the bomb attack on the Free and Accepted Masons Grand Lodge Association in Kartal district of Istanbul on March 9, 2004.

Sources told the A.A. correspondent on Wednesday that a lawsuit was filed against 12 suspects of the event. In the indictment, the prosecutor requested the court to punish the suspects to imprisonment terms on charges of "attempting to change the constitutional order by using force, being members of an illegal organization and aiding and abetting to illegal organizations". Two suicide bombers struck at the Free and Accepted Masons Grand Lodge Association in Kartal district of Istanbul on March 9, 2004. One killed himself while the other failed to set off his explosives. In the attack, a person was killed and several others were injured.
05.05.04 03:11


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