Another, short, story claiming that GLoS is trying to recruit MSPs.
Edinburgh Evening News, 25th March 2004

Edinburgh Evening News, 25th March 2004

SCOTLAND’S freemasons today denied hoping to recruit members by advertising in a magazine read by Holyrood politicians.

The latest edition of Holyrood magazine includes an advertisement placed by the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland, the organisation’s official name, listing famous masons.

But Bob Cooper, curator of the library at Freemason’s Hall in Edinburgh, said the aim was to show the part played by masons in Scotland’s cultural life. "Each issue has a particular theme, and the theme of this issue is the arts and culture," he said. "We are simply letting people know that people such as Sir Walter Scott and Arthur Conan Doyle were freemasons. We are pleased to be part of the cultural scene - it’s as simple as that."

Mr Cooper said the masons had previously advertised in the same magazine when it focused on issues like health and the elderly.


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