The Grand Lodge of Scotland makes the front page for the first time.

The Scotsman, 25th March 2004

When the Grand Lodge of Scotland placed a listing in the Holyrood Magazine, in common with many other Scottish Institutions, it received Front Page Headlines. The article is reproduced below

Masons out to woo MSPs

The Scotsman
Thursday, 25th March 2004

THE Freemasons, one of Scotland’s most secretive organisations, is enticing new members by advertising in a magazine aimed at politicians.

The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland has put a notice in the latest edition of Holyrood, the Scottish Parliament magazine.

A spokesman for the Freemasons insisted the notice was not designed to promote recruitment and was merely done to promote the work of the organisation.

However, by setting out what the Freemasons do, naming famous former Freemasons and including a contact number and address, the notice does appear to be the next best thing to a recruitment advertisement.

Two years ago Tricia Marwick, the SNP MSP, called for all MSPs to register their membership of the organisation, to prevent a conflict of interest during their public duties.

Bob Cooper, curator of the library at Freemasons’ Hall, Edinburgh, said: "We don’t recruit.

"We are pointing out that we have a history we are very proud of and we would welcome people to contact us to find out more about what we do."

He added: "The magazine has a very strong focus on arts and culture. We are pointing out that Freemasons are part and parcel of Scottish history."

Freemasons have about 660 lodges in Scotland.

To read the listing which gave rise to Front Page Headlines in the Scotsman (above) click here (PDF 105Kb)