Regular Communications of the Grand Lodge of Scotland are held on the first Thursday in February, the second Thursday in June and the third Thursday in October. The Annual Installation normally takes place on the Thursday immediately preceeding Saint Andrew's Day, 30th November, and is followed by the Festival of Saint Andrew. When Saint Andrew's Day is a Thursday the Installation and Festival take place on that day.

Occasions such as these mean that the building is closed to the public as is the case with some other Masonic meetings and Public Holidays. So far as is possible these dates are provided in the table below.

Tours of the building are normally provided at 10.00 AM and 2.00 PM each weeks day (except January when the Museum is closed for cleaning). Where the building is in use for only part of a day (for example on the afternoon of Thursday, 25th April. There will be a tour of the building in the morning (at 10.00 AM) but no tour in the afternoon of that day. There is no public access to the building on any day when the building status is 'closed'.

Please also note that from approximately mid-July to early September Freemasons' Hall is used as a Festival Fringe Theatre. This means that access to most of the building is restricted whilst the building is converted into several theatres, during the Festival Fringe itself and then during the period when the theatres are dismantled. Although no tours of the building are possible during this period Freemasons, and members of the public, are welcome to visit the Museum (on the second floor - please note there is no disabled access).


 Date  Event    Building Status
 Good Friday  Friday, 25 March  Closed
 Easter Monday  Monday, 28 March  Closed
 Spring Bank Holiday  Monday, 18 April  Closed
 Preparatory Meetings of Grand Committee   Wednesday, 27 April  Closed PM
 Grand Committee  Thursday, 28 April  Closed PM
 May Day Holiday  Monday, 2 May  Closed
 Victoria Day  Monday, 23 May  Closed
 Spring Bank Holiday  Monday, 30 May   Closed
 Preparatory Meetings of Grand Lodge  Wednesday, 8 June  Closed PM
 Regular Communication  Thursday, 9 June  Closed
 Building closes for Festival Fringe  Monday, 18 July  Closed
 August Bank Holiday  Monday, 1 August  Closed
 Building re-opens after Festival Fringe  Monday, 29 August  Re-opens  
 Preparatory Meetings of Grand Committee  Wednesday, 14 September  Closed PM
 Grand Committee  Thursday, 8 September  Closed PM
 Edinburgh Autumn Holiday  Monday, 19 September  Closed
 Preparatory Meetings of Grand Lodge  Wednesday, 26 October  Closed PM
 Regular Communication  Thursday, 27 October  Closed
 Preparatory Meetings  Wednesday, 23 November  Closed PM
 Installation and Festival of St Andrew  Thursday, 24 November  Closed
 Preparatory Meetings of Grand Committee  Wednesday, 7 December  Closed PM
 Grand Committee  Thursday, 8 December  Closed PM
 Freemason's Hall Closes (in lieu of Christmas Day)  Friday, 24 December  Closed until:-
 Freemasons' Hall reopens  Wednesday, 4th January 2017  Building reopens

Scottish Freemasonry is organised in a fairly straightforward way and has three tiers:

Head Office” which is The Grand Lodge of Scotland a central administration unit and responsible for Lodges working under the Scottish Constitution throughout the world and working with other Grand Lodges.
Regional Offices” which represent Grand Lodge of Scotland locally and will have responsibility for a defined number of Lodges within a geographically area:

  • Within Scotland there are 32 “Provincial Grand Lodges”.
  • Beyond the boundary of Scotland we have 26 “District Grand Lodges”.
  • Where Grand Lodge have a small number of Lodges within a region and outwith Scotland, they will be represented by one of our 2 “Grand Superintendents”.
  • There are 15 lodges that do not easily fit the regional structure being located individually throughout the globe, and so are administered directly by Grand Lodge.

"Lodges" are the Foundation Stone of Freemasonry and every Scottish Freemason must be a member of at least one lodge. There are around 640 lodges in Scotland and 350 Lodges located in over forty countries overseas.

The map feature is currently under development. To use the map left click on the map and then left click and hold then move the mouse to reveal other parts of the map. Placing the cursor over the dark green areas of the map will show the name of the District Grand Lodge concerned. Another left click will take you to a page containing details of the District Grand Lodge and the Lodges in its jurisdiction.

Details of most Lodges will be found under the Provincial or District Grand Lodge, For example. Lodge Scotia, No.1003 (Penang, Malayasia) is listed under the District Grand Lodge of the Middle East. Below is a list of Lodges which do not come under the jurisdiction of a Provincial or District Grand Lodge.

Quite a number of Scottish Lodges have their own web sites some of which are unknown to Grand Lodge and so no link exists on this site. In those circumstances checking for details through a search engin such as Google might be of assistance.


Provincial Grand Master:Brother Henry Petrie

Provincial Grand Secretary:Brother Alistair McIntosh 

Lodge No.

Name Where When
13 The Lodge of Aberdeen Crown Street 2nd and 4th Mon- Oct to March
54 St. Machar Crown Street 1st and 3rd Mon- Sept. to April
93 St. Nicholas Crown Street 1st and 3rd Wed.- Sept. to April
110 St. Andrew Crown Street 1st and 3rd Thurs.- Oct to April 
with the exception of January
150 Operative Crown Street 1st and 3rd Tues.- Sept. to April
164 The Lodge of Old Aberdeen Old Town House Alternate Tuesdays from Last Tuesday in August to April
190 St. George Crown Street 2nd and 4th Tuesday- Sept. to May
319 St. Machar Woodside Masonic Hall Every Tuesday- Sept. to April
375 Neptune Crown Street 2nd and 4th Mon- 4th Mon in August until 4th Mon in April
669 Bon Accord Crown Street 2nd and 4th Wed - Sept. to April
688 St Clement Crown Street 2nd and 4th Thurs- Sept. to April
1451 Sons of the Soil Crown Street

1st and 3rd Wed - Oct to April 

The above information was derived from the Year Book and therefore the details ought to be correct. However, typing mistakes can occur and Lodge details change. Should any amendments and/or corrections require to be made to the above details or if a Lodge wishes to have its' web page linked to from here please e-mail the webmaster. Do not write or telephone Freemasons' Hall for this purpose.

Provincial Grand Lodges


Aberdeen Grand Lodge 



Grand Office-bearers 2015 - 2016


Grand Master Mason

Charles I. R. Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont

Past Grand Master

Sir Archibald D. Orr Ewing, Bart, M.A.

Depute Grand Master

Ramsay McGhee, M.C.M.I.

Substitute Grand Master

George R. Kelly, Minst., LM., DMS.



Hugh Clelland Senior Grand Warden
Rev. Andrew E. Paterson, J.P. Junior Grand Warden
David M. Begg, C.A. Grand Secretary
James Bell, C.A. Grand Treasurer
Thomas C. Smith, I.Eng., A.M.I. Struct. E. Grand Almoner
William H Gauld Grand D. of C.
Rev. Robert Craig, B.A., B.D. (Min)., Dip. R. S. Senior Grand Chaplain
Rev. Canon John C. Lindsay, M.A.B.D. Junior Grand Chaplain
John F. Herrick, B.D.S., M.P.H. Senior Grand Deacon
Alexander B. M. McLachlan Junior Grand Deacon

George M. Preston

Grand Librarian
W. Scott Sneddon, B.A., LL.B., Dip.L.P., N.P., S.S.C.  Grand Architect
John McKenzie  Grand Jeweller
Thomas Wood Grand Bible-bearer
Samuel Peden Grand Bard
Andrew Mushet, O.St.J. Grand Sword-bearer
David A. Reid Grand Director of Music
Derek Elms Assistant Grand Treasurer
James L. Jack Assistant Grand D. of C.
Simon J. Nieminski Grand Organist
David S. Ogilvie Grand Piper
Alistair Henderson Grand Marshal
Archibald Chalmers Senior Grand Standard-bearer
Ronald W. A. Forbes Junior Grand Standard-bearer
Michael Kinnaird Grand Inner Guard
Archibald Hoey President of Grand Stewards
Clark Wilson Grand Tyler


List of Living Past Grand Office-bearers

Past Grand Masters  
The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K.T., C.D., LL.D., (when Lord Bruce) 1961 -1965
J. M. Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet, C.B.E., O.St.J, M.A., F.R.I.C.S., D.L. F.S.A. (Scot) 1983 -1988
Sir Archibald D. Orr-Ewing, Bart., M.A. 1999 - 2004
Rev'd Canon Joseph J. Morrow, J.P., O.St.J. 2004 - 2005
Sir Archibald D. Orr-Ewing, Bart., M.A. 2005 - 2008

Past Depute Grand Masters

William Fleming C.St..J., F.C.M.I., F.I.D.H.E., F.Inst.D., FSA Scot 1996 - 1997
C. Martin McGibbon, F.A.I.A., FSA Scot 2005 - 2006
Kenneth D. Kennedy, S.B St. J., K.L.J., M.A., FSA Scot 2006 - 2007
Archibald M. McGown, C.St.J. 2008 - 2009
 Hugh Bryson 2009 - 2011
Douglas W. Duncan 2011 - 2014
Past Substitute Grand Masters  
Gerald Levin, J.P. 1984 - 1985
Brain G. Brown, M.B.E. 1985 - 1987
Arthur O. Hazel, O.St.J. 1995 - 1996
Robert S. Tait 2000 - 2001
Angus N. MacInnes, S.B.St.J., FSA Scot 2002 - 2003
Walter Sneddon, LL.B., S.S.C., M.C.I.Arb., 2004 - 2005
Robert Leith, C.St.J., C.A. 2005 - 2006
Rev. John H. Jenkinson, L.T.C.L., A.L.C.M., Dip.C.E., Dip.S.E.N. 2005 - 2006
Frederick R. R. Lowrie 2006 - 2007
David Wishart, M.St.J. 2008 - 2009
Douglas A. Findlay 2009 - 2010
Thomas F. Jessop 2010 - 2011
Alexander Galbraith 2011 - 2013
Maurice E. Wilson M.B.E 2013 - 2014


Past Senior Grand Wardens  
James K. Borland, L.D.S., R.F.P.S., 1985 - 1986
 Ewan Rutherford 2014 - 2015 
Past Grand Treasurer  
Douglas W. Duncan 2005 - 2010
Past Senior Grand Chaplains  
Rev. Peter O. Price, C.B.E., Q.H.C., B.A., F.Ph.S. 1994 - 1996
Rev. Andrew E. Paterson, J.P. 2002 - 2004
Rev. Gordon B. Armstrong, B.D., F.I.A.B. 2066 - 2008
Rev. William Paterson, B.D. 2008 - 2009
Rev. Iain R. Ramsden, B.Th., M.St.J.  2009 - 2012
Rev. Canon John C. Lindsay, M.A., B.D. 2012 - 2014
Past Junior Grand Chaplain  
Rev. Canon Earnest W. Brady, L.Th. 1983 - 1984
Rev. Robert Craig B.A., B.D. (Min)., Dip. R.S. 2012 - 2014 
Past Senior Grand Deacon  
Andrew L. Tannahill, O.St.J., C.Eng., M.I.Mech.E., FSA (Scot) 1996 - 1997
Past Junior Grand Deacons  
Gavin W. MacDonald 2004 - 2005
Past Grand Bible Bearers  
John A. Adrain 1992 - 1996
Colin G. Brotherton 2000 - 2001
David C. Bloomfield 2001 - 2008
T. Wilson Aitken, L.L.B, N.P.  2008 - 2013 
Past Junior Grand Standard-bearer  
George G. Robertson 2004 - 2005
Past Grand Piper  
John R. Simpson 1991 - 2009
Past Assistant Grand Secretary  
Norman M. T. M. MacLeod 1987 - 2005
Past Grand Piper 1991 - 2009
John R. Simpson  
Past Presidents of Grand Stewards  
Thomas M. Henderson 1998 - 1999
William M. Smith 1999 - 2000
Alexander Henderson, M.I.C.W., FSA Scot 2002 - 2003
Archie M. T. Taylor 2003 - 2004
W. L. Walker Stephen 2004 - 2005
William A. Menzies 2005 - 2006
Samuel Peden 2006 - 2007
Ian Duguid 2007 - 2008
James Wood 2008 - 2009
Robert H. Allan 2010 - 2011
Neil C. Gow  2011 - 2012 
William G. Kennedy 2012 - 2013
Raymond T. Miller 2013 - 2014
Alexander K. Watson 2014 - 2015
Past Grand Tyler  
W. Grant Colligan 1996 - 2005

Committees - the decision making processes of the Grand Lodge of Scotland are very democratic. Every Daughter Lodge has the right to send three representatives to meetings of Grand Lodge (known as Communications) which take place in February, June and October. In the interim, day to day administration is in the care of Grand Secretary (Brother David M. Begg, C.A.) with the assistance of a number of Committees - see below.

The deliberations of these Committees are debated by Grand Committee (a body comprised of elected members from which members of other Committees are drawn - see above) and are then referred to a Communication of Grand Lodge for approval. A 'Communication' is a meeting of Grand Lodge where all who are entitled to do so may vote on any matter laid before it in accordance with the Constitution and Laws. This is 'Grand Lodge assembled' and is the ultimate authority on all matters pertaining to the Scottish Craft.

Below are further details of each of the Committees and their members


David Wishart, Chairman;  Hugh Clelland; Thomas Davidson;  Ronald W. A. Forbes; Robert Little; John Muirhead; Alexander B. M. McLachlan; George M. Preston and James C. Peddie.


James Bell, Grand Treasurer, ex officio, Chairman: Thomas C. Smith, Douglas W. Duncan; Alexander Galbraith; William H. Gauld; Kenneth D. Kennedy; Michael Kinnaird; Ewan Rutherford and Robert R. Law.

Disciplinary Review

John F. Herrick, Chairman; T. Wilson Aitken; John S. Brockie; John Dadds; William G. Grant; Kenneth R. Johnson; Andrew A. McKinnon; W. Scott Sneddon and Maurice E. Wilson.

Benevolence and Care

J. M Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet, Chairman; Dr. Douglas R. H. Nicol; George M. Preston, Rev. Iain R. Ramsden; David A. Reid; Rev. Robert Craig, Alistair Henderson; Grand Secretary; Grand Almoner; Chairman of the Administration Committee; ex officio.

Information and Communications

Thomas F. Jessop, Chairman; David C. Bloomfield; Alistair McIntosh; John S. Miller; Andrew Mushet; Samuel Peden; Robert W. Scott; Walter Sneddon and James P. Livingstone.

Overseas, External Affairs and Special Purposes

W. Ramsay McGhee, Chairman; Charles I. R. Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont; Sir Archibald D. Orr Ewing; The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine; James L. Jack; Rev. John H. Jenkinson; Hugh Bryson; Alistair Marshall; John McCormack and Grand Secretary, ex officio.