We did it!! 12 miles!!!!! The weather was not particularly kind but that didn’t really matter as there was a great sense of camaraderie and Derek, Donna, Kerry-Ann and I had a really enjoyable afternoon. Team Grand Lodge met around 10a.m. and it was impossible not to get drawn into the fantastic atmosphere. We started to loud fanfares at Meadowbank with a lap of the stadium and then the serious walking began. The part of the route around Arthur’s Seat was a bit soul destroying as it started to rain heavily but once we got further into the walk and got into our stride there was no stopping us. There was music and entertainment at various parts of the route and this, together with lots of encouragement from tourists and locals alike, kept the momentum up. We approached Meadowbank again after 3 hours 45 minutes - quite a respectable time we thought - and collected our medals and certificates. It was a fantastic and fun experience which we were thrilled to have been part of. We are delighted that we have raised around £8,500 for Grand Lodge Benevolent Funds and the money is still coming in. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us - we really appreciate it. We also want to thank everyone who ‘phoned and e-mailed to wish us well which gave us a big lift. Thanks also to George Preston, Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire, who very kindly turned up on Leith Walk bearing chocolate - needless to say he is now right at the top of all of our Christmas card lists!!! There were some stiff legs, sore feet and a few blisters on Sunday evening and on Monday morning I did wish my office wasn’t right at the top of the building as going upstairs was rather painful but we would not have missed this event. We were delighted to wear our Grand Lodge of Scotland t-shirts to publicise the Organsiation and all the worthwhile things that are achieved as a result of its Benevolent Activities. Thank you again for your support.

Dawn Oliff,

Homes and Charities Manager.