The long awaited book - The Rosslyn Hoax? has now been published and was officially launched in Freemasons' Hall on Monday, 9th October. More than 100 guests joined the author for wine and nibbles before Grand Secretary, David M. Begg, drew the prize winning invitation card (it wasn't fixed, honest, - Ed.) The prize of a signed copy of the book was won by Brother James L. Jack, Provincial Grand Master of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.

Thereafter, Grand Secretary introduced the author, Robert L. D. Cooper, Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library who gave a brief talk about the book.

Some photographs of the book launch are shown below.

(Please note that the hardback edition of The Rosslyn Hoax? has sold out. The paperback edition has however now been published and the GLoS online shop has signed copies available. To order your signed copy click here or on the previous link. Remember that you will leave this web site - use the back button!)





































A new supply of the book has been obtained and as previously books ordered through the Grand Lodge online shop will be signed by the author.

We have also been asked to suggest other internet sources of information about Rosslyn Chapel and whilst there are several the Grand Lodge of Scotland cannot recommend any in particular. It is anticipated that a page of useful links will be created in the near future and this is one subject we expect to cover.