ImageThe Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire organises an annual Charity Bowling Trophy between the twenty three Masonic Lodges in the Province of Stirlingshire.A different host Lodge is chosen in rotation each year.So far, a sum of £5300.00 has been raised in the three years that the competition has been running.All proceeds from the day combined with individual Lodge sponsorship monies raised are donated to a nominated charity.The 2006 Competition took place on 06 August at the Co-operative Bowling Green, Alloa where the Lodge of Alloa No. 69 acted as hosts.Some £2000.00 was raised at this event. The attached picture shows Bro. John Mckenzie, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of  the Province of Stirlingshire presenting a cheque for £2000.00 to Anne Anderson, Principal of Seamab House School, Rumbling Bridge, Kinross.Seamab House School is a registered charity and caters for children from all over Scotland with severe social, emotional and/or behavioural difficulties at home, in the school and in the community. The money will be used to purchase much needed books for the library in their new premises.