
Cracking the Freemasons' Code

Robert L. D. Cooper

240 pages paperback

Illustrated (black and white)

ISBN 9781846040498


You may be aware that the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library, Robert L. D. Cooper, recently had a book: The Rosslyn Hoax? published by Lewis Masonic but few people seem to know that another book by the same author was published at almost the same time.

The Rosslyn Hoax? is an in-depth examination of the claim that there is a connection between Scottish Freemasonry and Rosslyn Chapel (together with associated subjects such as the Knights Templar, the Kirkwall Scroll, the St Clair (Sinclair) family etc.) whereas as Cracking the Freemasons' Code is much broader ranging dealing with subjects such as the origins of Freemasonry, psuedo-Freemasonry, Masonic symbolism, Scottish Freemasonry in America etc. It also touches on familiar subjects such as Rosslyn Chapel and the focus is very much historical (well he is a Masonic historian! - Ed.) The 'tone' of the book is quite different from his other book: The Rosslyn Hoax? It is much lighter, conversational even, compared to the analytical (some would say academic) nature of The Rosslyn Hoax? It is therefore an easier read but still packed with information about Freemasonry - particularly Scottish Freemasonry.

Grand Lodge does not presently stock this title but copies have been ordered (and of course we shall ensure that the author signs each copy purchased from Grand Lodge! - Ed.)