On Sunday 17th December we were delighted to welcome Mrs Catherine Colligan and her family to Sir James McKay House together with members of Lodge St James, No 590 and Lodge St John, No 374 in the Province of Linlithgowshire.


Mrs Colligan and her youngest grand-daughter Lucy

The Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire was in attendance and other Lodges within the Province were also represented. Mrs Colligan's late husband, William - Junior - had been a well known and popular member of both Lodge 590 and Lodge 374. Mrs Colligan had kindly agreed to present a garden bench which had been donated by the Lodges mentioned above in memory of her late husband and rather fittingly the garden was bathed in bright sunshine just as the presentation was being made.


Standing (L to R) Mrs Catherine Colligan Jun (daughter-in-law), Emma Colligan (grand daughter), Thos Colligan (son) Carol Ann Love (fam friend), Gail Colligan (daughter), Graig Brown (son-in-law), Mrs Wendy Brown (daughter), Wm McCulloch (brother-in-law), Mrs Ruth Miller (niece), Glen Miller (nieces husband). Seated (L to R) Mrs Lotte McCulloch (sister), Mrs Catherine Colligan Sen, Lucy Colligan (grand daughter)

The bench will have pride of place within the grounds of the Home and as many of the Residents enjoy sitting in the garden when the weather is nice it will be very well used. We hope that Mrs Colligan will feel free to drop in and see the bench in situ during the Summer. After the presentation our visitors stayed to have some tea and we have to say a big thank you to all of the ladies who supplied the beautiful home-baking to accompany it.


Standing - (L to R) - RWPGM Bro Geo Preston, WSW Bro Wm Thomas No 374, Bro Craig Brown No 827, IPM Bro Thos Colligan, D.M. Bro Hugh Keenan, WJW Bro Wm Farquhar, PM Bro Wm McCulloch No 927 and RWM Bro Geo Neally. Seated – (L to R) Carer from Mackay House, Mrs Catherine Colligan and Mrs Dawn Oliff.

We were delighted to receive the bench as a gift and thank all those concerned for their generosity. Our thanks also to Mrs Colligan and her family for making the occasion so meaningful.

Dawn Oliff, Homes and Charities Manager.