International Conference on the History of Freemasonry – ICHF



As many already know there is an International Conference on Freemasonry to be held here in Freemasons’ Hall over the last weekend of May this year. I am delighted to be able to report that as of today more than 100 people have registered to attend the conference. This has developed into a truly international event with people travelling from the four quarters of the globe, from China, Japan, Australia, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, USA, as well as most European countries.  I will have the honour of officially opening the conference on Friday, 25th May and I shall be accompanied by the Pro-Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, The Marquis of Northampton, and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Brother George Dunlop.

This major event has a full social programme and for more details about these and the conference you might like to visit the conference web site: Printed material is also available at Freemasons' Hall.