The original e-mail with contact details removed:

Good day sir,

Good Masons make good churchmen. Every clergyman can testify to the truth of this. They make loyal and sacrificing patriots. Our colonial history supplies the proof of this assertion. It is based on this that i wish to introduce myself as Prince Johnson, the only surviving son of one of the dedicated Masons from the District Grand Lodge of Sierra Leone and the Gambia (Lodge No.  1650, The Earl of Eglinton and Winton, Freetown). I am soliciting your assistance in seeing that my inheritance is transfered successflly from a Madrid Based finance institution to a safer country where i will be willing to relocate and start a new life.

General Emillio Aguinaldo, Filipino Hero, while addressing the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in 1955 said " Since becoming a Freemason, I forgot hate. Instead, I learned to love - to love God and my fellowman. I am now at ease with my own conscience. I only do what I think is right, and shun all evil.  I also forget fear. I can be alone no matter where I am, what I do, or where I go. A clean conscience makes a man brave. I hope that Freemasonry has had the same influence upon all of you, which is an assurance of a better world to live in, and a happier humanity to live with."

I write you today with clean conscience beleiving that you will honour my email ASAP for more details of what my wish is.

Prince Johnson.

NOTE: These types of e-mail are intended to induce the unwary to provide personal details and should always be ignored and you are advised not to respond to unsolicited e-mails of this nature. What is disturbing is the fact that Freemasonry is being used in this way. Note that the author, 'Prince Johnson', does not claim to be a Freemason himself but seeks legitimacy for his actions by claiming that his father was a Freemason and a member of a Scottish Lodge.

The Grand Lodge of Scotland is graterful to Brother Hogan Courrier of Lodge Madoc/Marmora/Tweed, No.48 (The Grand Lodge of Ontario in Canada) for bringing this scam e-mail to our attention - Ed.