Over 100 Freemasons from all over central Scotland gathered recently in Grangemouth to mark the 100th birthday of Ian McIntosh and pay their tribute to an extraordinary member.

The lunch was organised by Lodge Camelon No. 1456, of which Ian was a founder member, and a Past Master, and until his recent hip injury was still regularly taking an active part in degree ceremonials.

Representatives of other Masonic orders, which Ian has also given long service to, also attended, with over 100 Brethren gathering in Lodge Zetland's premises in Grangemouth.


Back row left to right,
David Niven - Grand Priory of Scotland
Tony Gault - Falkirk Cryptic Council
Gary Bouse - Falkirk Royal Arch Chapter
Andrew Wilson – Lodge St John, No.16
Graeme Smith - Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland
Tom Anderson - District Preceptory 
Front Row
Donny Wright - Lodge Camelon, No.1456
Brother Ian McIntosh, PM
John McKenzie - Provincial Grand Master PGL of Stirlingshire.

A splendid lunch was followed by cake - with the birthday boy's image in his Master's regalia on top - and a number of presentations.

RWM Donny Wright gave a decanter and glasses on behalf of Lodge 1456, and John McKenzie, the Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire, presented a Quaich and a card signed by all who attended the recent charity golf tournament.

Gary Bouse, of Falkirk Royal Arch Chapter, presented a framed picture of a Royal Arch Jewel, and Tony Gault from Falkirk Cryptic Council, gave Ian a cheque for £100.

David Niven presented a Diploma and cheque from Grand Priory and Graeme Smith handed over a diploma on behalf of Supreme Royal Arch of Scotland. Tom Anderson, from District Preceptory, presented a cheque for £100.

Ian said: "I'm just delighted to see so many people sharing the day and thank them and everyone else who has sent cards and organised other birthday treats for me."