There will be a memorial service to commemorate the life and Masonic career of the later Brother David I. Liddell-Granger of Ayton, Past Grand Master on Wednesday, 26th September 2007.

The service will be hosted by The Lodge of Ayton Castle, No.1423 at Eyemouth Parish Church, Victoria Image Road, Eyemouth at 3.00 pm. Brethren who attend are request to wear regalia on this occasion. Lodge St. Ebbe, No.70, Mason's Wynd, Eyemouth, located some 400 yards from the church have kindly made made the Lodge rooms available for Brethren to change into their regalia.

The Grand Master Mason, Sir Arichbald D. Orr Ewing, Bt. has kindly agreed to give a reading at the service.

At 7.15 pm the same day the Lodge of Ayton Castle, No.1423, (founded 1947) and in which Brother David I. Liddell-Granger was Initiated in 1951 and of which he was Master 1960 - 61 will hold its last meeting. The Lodge will be amalgamated with Lodge St. Ebbe. There will be a short ceremony to close Lodge Ayton Castle and thereafter the Office-bearers of Lodge St. Ebbe, No.70 will conven a special meeting in order to receive and welcome the members Lodge Ayton Castle.

Brother Liddle Granger was also a member of Merit Lodge No.466 (E.C.) and was a Founder Member of Lodge Sir Robert Moray, No.1641 (Edinburgh). In 1962 he was elected to the Grand Committee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and subsequently also served on the Petitions, Complains and Appeals Committee, the Overseas and External Affairs Committee, and was Preseident of the Royal Scottish Masonic Home. Furth of Scotland he was, in succession, representative from the Grand Lodges of Washington, New Zealand, and South Australia. In addition he was and Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Victoria and Honorary Senior Grand Warden of the National Grand Lodge of France.