It has been rather a surprise to find out just what there is 'out there' about Masonic Research. If you click on Masonic Subjects in the top line of the front page you will be presented with a list of topics begining with Press Watch and ending with Appeals, Requests and Questions. A total of 12 twelve topics altogther. Some are fairly obvious and straight forward - click on Holocaust Memorial Day and you will be provided with a large amount of information (some it quite gruesome - so be warned) about Freemasonry the Holocaust. Click on Masonic Book Club and you will bring up a fairly short article about a very helpful way to increase your Masonic library at a modest cost.

However, click on Masonic Research and you will be offered five alternatives all connected in some manner to 'Masonic Research.' Completing all the details for each section will be time consuming and so, in time honored Masonic fashion the oldest comes first. That is why you will find details of the oldest Masonic Research Lodge in the world, Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No.2076 (E.C.) listed in detail including the ability to download an application form to join the prestigious Correspondence Circle.

There are also a number of Research Lodges and other 'groups' in Scotland, England and Ireland which we intend to list but can only do so if we have the relevant details. So, (I know that I am going to regret this - Ed.) if you are a member or, know of, a research Lodge, group, study circle etc. that you think ought to be included in these pages please e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with as much information as possible and he will do his very best to add the information as soon as possible. Please be aware that this is likely to take some time especially if everyone sends all the information all at the same time!

What to send: name of Lodge (or Study Circle etc.), location meeting days/nights, conditions of membership, publications available, annual fees, special outings (e.g. Masonic tours) a point(s) of contact (the hard done by Secretary!) and a web site and/or e-mail address.

Be patient, be very patient - Ed.