Attacks on Freemasonry are nothing new but the intensity of those attacks has increased over the last decade. Why have Freemasons in Scotland been demeaned, denigrated and abused?

There is no easy answer to this question. All regular Freemasons are instructed not to engage in Religious or Political matters as Freemasons. Yet it is clear that most anti-Masonic attacks originate from those sections of society - political and religious. Perhaps that is exacty why we Freemasons are used, and abused, in this way? Our own, self imposed rule, is that we as Freemasons cannot become involved in politics and/or religion ensures that we cannot respond to such attacks.

I have been told that this simply means that we Freemasons fight with both hands tied behind our backs. We can do nothing to defend ourselves from Policians and Religious leaders seeking a bandwagon, a scapegoat, a cause to promote themselves, and their cause. More often than not they become 'political/religious specialists' on whatever subject including Freemasonry.