Why then is the Grand Lodge of Scotland 'advertising' this magazine? Simple. There is an eight page spread about Freemasons' Hall in the middle of the magazine.

ImageIt is delightful to see a magazine of this quality devote this amount of space and detail to Freemasons' Hall but then that is because the building is quite simply unique even in a city such as Edinburgh. When the 'home' of Scottish Freemasonry is on public display in this manner it certainly should remind all Scottish Freemasons how fortunate they are to own such a building in the centre of the capital city. It is also a tribute to the foresight, and indeed generosity, of previous generations of Freemasons that we have such a superb location in the middle of the city to call home.

Lavishly illustrated with some beautiful photographs of the major rooms and some of the finer details are superb. For those who collect material relating to Freemasonry this is a 'must have' souvenir. Please note that the Grand Lodge of Scotland does not sell this magazine but is available from most newsagents.

There are a number of magazines with similar titles (Ideal Homes, Homes and Gardens etc.) but this title Homes & Interiors Scotland is the only one dedicated to Scotland. The magazine is issued bi-monthly and this issue is number 58 and is current until the end of April. £3.25 per copy.