William Schaw (c.1550 - 1602) , the father of modern Freemasonry re-organisted the existing Scottish stonemasons' Lodges into what is now regardeded as the modern system of Freemasonry.

The history and subsequent development of Freemasonary is dealt with elsewhere. However, the pupose of thi page is to make you aware that there are numerous Lodge histories available online through this site. If you go to Lodge Histories you will find a 'list' of Lodges which has a history available on ths web site.

To make such histories more easily accessible when accessing a particular Lodge on a PGL Web page a bold letter H will be shown immediately after the name of the Lodge. By clicking on the letter H you will be directed to the article on the history of that partcular Lodge. Please remember to use the 'back button' to return to this page.

There are a large number of Lodge histories to be linked to the Lodge name and please therefore bear with us whilist this completed.

More to follow...