The writings of our predecessors contain the history of Scottish Freemasonry, which is unique in the Masonic world not only because the records are the oldest known but also because they are quite detailed.

These important records consist of not only Lodge Minute Books but also mundane material such as Treasurer's accounts, Attendance Books, diplomas, membership rolls, letters and much more. It is from this material that Masonic historians today, and in the future, will seek to understand Freemasonry - past, present and future. The lost of such records due to unintentional neglect, poor storage, and even wilful destruction means that over time the history of the Scottish Craft is being lost.

Such records are the property of each Lodge, Province, District and indeed Grand Lodge itself. The 'ownership' of this material has caused numerous problems over the years. For example a sympathetic non-Mason who wishes to research a particular aspect of Scottish Freemasonry often has to travel all over Scotland to examine records which are only held locally. Sadly, it is a frequent occurrence that they are denied permission to view the material because it is simply not convenient for the Secretary or other Lodge Office-bearer (who are after all volunteers) to find the time to open the Lodge Room and wait for the researcher to complete their examination. Academic research is painstaking and time consuming and few Lodges can accommodate an historian for a week or more.

For all these reasons a Seminar has been organised for 14th March 2009 at the University of Strathclyde, McCance Lecture theatre (walking distance from Queen Street Railway Station, Glasgow). The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow will host the event on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and grateful thanks are given to Brother William Gilmour, Provincial Grand Master, for all his help and assistance in arranging the seminar.

Details of how to book tickets, the programme for the day and a map showing the location of the McCance Lecture Theatre can downloaded from the Member Services area. To go there click here or on other links. Please note that you must have registered in order to access the Member Services area of the web site.