The Mystic Tie was announced last month and the Grand Lodge of Scotland is pleased to announce that this specially commissioned CD by award winning producer, Billy Kay, is now available. The attractive couble CD explores the world Scottish Freemason, past and present and has a special emphasis on Freemasonry and Robert Burns - just in time for the 250th anniversary of his birth due to be celebrated throughout the world in 2009 but sepeciall here in Scotland. This is an ideal last minute 'stocking filler' for Christmas. Image

A unique insight to Scottish Freemasonry, by a non-Freemason, is provided by Billy Kay on one CD and on the other he examines the influence of Freemasonry on the life and work of Brother Robert Burns with particular reference to the songs and poems of relevance to Freemasons. The double CD is available at Freemasons' Hall or can be ordered by downloading the order form by clicking here or on the previous links.

Alternatively you may order the double CD from the Grand Lodge of Scotland's secure online shop. To do so please click here or on the CD cover image above.

Image Billy Kay has also recently published a book entitled: The Scottish World - A Journey into the Scottish Diaspora. The Scottish World - A Journey into the Scottish Diaspora is the latest book by the renowned author and braodcaster Billy Kay. In this book he takes on a gobal journey of discovery, highlighting the extraordinary influence the Scots had on communities and cultures on every continent. While others have questioned the self-confidence of the Scots, Kay has travelled the world from Bangkok to Brazil, Warsaw to Waikiki and found ringing endorsements for the integrity and intellect, the poetry and passion of the Scottish people in every country he visited. Apart from the truly amazing fact he reveals there is one chapter (14) devoted entirely to Scottish Freemasonry (it is headed: The Mason Word) then this makes it even more appealing to Freemasons everywhere especially when it is remebered that Billy is not a Freemason.

The book: The Scottish World - A Journey into the Scottish Diaspora. is available at Freemasons' Hall or from the secure GLoS online shop. At £9.99 per copy, for 320 pages, (with a black and white plate section) this is terrific value for money and like The Mysic Tie is a great last minute gift for Christmas. Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-84596-317-0. To order from the secure online shop click here or on the cover image.