On Monday 9 March, 2009 the 74th Annual Scottish Masonic Curling Bonspiel was held at the Dewars Centre, Perth. Sadly only eight rinks took part in this event however those attending enjoyed an afternoon of curling followed by a high tea. The winners of the Glen Caladh Trophy (the main prize) was Lodge Kildrummie No. 906 with the runners up being Lodge St Margaret No. 548. The Annual Curling competition for Lodges from the Province of Perthshire East was also held, the winning rink of the MacDonald Cup being Lodge Kildrummie No. 906. The runners up in this competition were Lodge Perth Royal Arch No.122 who received the MacPherson Medal. 

Following the High Tea, the A.G.M. was held and it was decided that next years Bonspeil would be held at Perth on the first or second Monday in March, 2010 (depending upon availability of the ice). It was agreed that as this would be the 75th Anniversary of this competition, that a badge would be commissioned to mark the occasion.