Please note that Freemasons' Hall re-opens for business on Monday, 6 January for all departments including the shop.


However, the Museum and Library will be closed for the month of January, re-opening on Monday, 6 February. This is to allow the annual 'top to toe' cleaning and re-organising of some of the exhibits. Although physical access will be unavailable the staff will do their best to deal with requests for information but the cleaning operations will take precedence. Please also be aware that there are no telephone facilities within the Museum (and the Library during January) therefore telephone calls will be only be accepted at reception. Please leave a message and staff will respond to messages left as soon as practicable. The same applies also to email requests.


The Grand Master Master Mason, Grand Secretary, the Office-bearers of Grand Lodge and the staff at Freemasons' Hall wish you all a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy New Year.