This is against International Masonic protocols which are designed to protect Scottish Lodges and Scottish Freemasons from falling victim to unscrupulous mailings. Recent examples have been arriving from an individual claiming to be the Curator of a Masonic Museum in Madrid, Spain. One surname that is used is Moreno. The Grand Lodge of Spain has confirmed that these individuals, nor the 'Museum', have any connection with the Grand Lodge of Spain.
All Lodges are reminded that all communication between Lodges under different Grand Lodges should, initially, be made via the office of Grand Secretary.
In the event of receipt of a request for Masonic items (purportedly for a Masonic Museum) or indeed any other enquiry (for instance, requests to attend a meeting of the Lodge, asking for charitable donations or requests for assistance in finding work) received from anyone who is not a verified (and verifable) member of the Scottish Craft should be referred to Grand Secretary in order that advice can be given.