
Committed to the Flames

Committed to the Flames
Committed to the Flames by Robert Benjamin Folger 288 pages.
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In 1826, Robert Benjamin Folger, a new Master Mason, filled a book with what he considered to be the true mysteries of Freemasonry. The manuscript itself is both beautiful and mysterious, bound in black leather and embossed with a cross of pure gold.

The text is written in a mysterious Masonic cipher with the appearance of Hieroglyphics and interspersed with pseudo Masonic line drawings - a blazing star, a cubical stone with a square resting on it and what appears to be the layout for some form of Lodge room. But why did Folger produce the manuscript and what does it contain? And why did he request that this valuable Masterpiece be committed to flames upon his death.

Join renowned Masonic historian and professional code breaker Brent Morris as he teams up with Arturo de Hoyos, the world's foremost authority on Masonic rituals, on a journey to break the code and solve the enigma.