
Famous Scottish Freemasons

Famous Scottish Freemasons
One way of learning the history of Freemasonry is to study the lives of those who have been members. The purpose of this book is to provide brief details of some prominent members.
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Much has been written about the history and heritage of Scotland and it has long been accepted that the greatest export from Scotland has been its people. For centuries Scots have left their native land and today it is estimated that there are in excess of 40 million people of Scots decent worldwide outwith Scotland. That is eight times the number presently resident in Scotland. Many Scots cherished their history and culture which manifested itself in numerous ways. The more obvious being Burns Clubs, the Society of Antiquaries, Caledonian Societies and the Scottish Record Society to give a small sample.

The records of the Grand Lodge of Scotland reveal many fascinating facts, for instance, did you know that the following were famous Scottish Freemasons: George Washington, James Watt, Jock Stein, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Burns.