
Knights of Christ

The Knights of Christ
"The Knight of Christ" by Terence Wise (Author), Richard Scollins (Illustrator)
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The Knights of Christ The ancient warrior code that persisted in medieval Christian Europe dictated that a man's greatest virtues were physical strength, skill at arms, bravery, daring, loyalty to the chieftain and solidarity within the tribe. The primitive Church had been diametrically opposed to such ideals. However, by the early 8th century the Church had grown wealthy, and the Saracen invasions of Spain and France posed a threat to that wealth. The Roman Church began to support war in defence of the faith, and by channelling the martial spirit into the service of God, the brutal warrior of the past was transformed into a guardian of society.

This book is primarily concerned with providing a brief history of the military Orders which fought in the Holy Land. These include the Knights Templar, Knights of St John, the Knights of St Thomas of Acon, The Teutonic Knights, the Knights of Calatrava, the Knights of Santiago as well as many other virtually unknown Orders. Although brief, the details of each Order are extremely useful as a quick reference guide. What we particularly liked was the colourful artwork depicting the mode of dress and weapons used by each of the Orders. 40 pages. 7 1/8 inches x 9 3/4 inches (183cm x 247cm).£8.99. Post and Packing extra.