
The Canonbury Papers: Volume 2

The Canonbury Papers Volume 2
The Canonbury Papers Volume 2
The Canonbury Papers Volume 2 Rear Cover
The Canonbury Papers Volume 2 Contents
The Canonbury Papers Volume 2: Freemasonry in Music and Literature.
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Vol 2 contains western music and literature have had some strong and clearly delineated influences on freemasons and likewise the ideas underpinning the Craft have found fascinating expression in various artistic forms from the earliest decades of the the 18th century, that formative period when speculative Freemasonry really began to flourish in most of the Western European cultural centres.

These papers reflect that amazing diversity and, like those in the previous volume, demonstrate the clear impact in both form and content which Freemasonry has had in Western European culture over the generations.

These papers range, in their subject topics, from England, Germany, Russia, France, Holland, Austria, Scotland and Sweden; the time scale represented here runs from perhaps the mid-15th century to the present time.