Volume 2

Name: Calvin D. Mitchell, Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Richmond, VA, USA
Time: 2000-03-02 22:36:04
Comments: You have an excellent web page and I intend to visit again in the near future

Name: V.'. W.'. Sam Schwarzman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Long Island, New York
Time: 2000-03-02 00:02:17
Comments: Nice web site. A Lodge Brother of mine has been to your Grand Lodge and knows your Grand Secretary Michael Walker. His name is John R. Prout, Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of New York. His lovely wife Peg sends her love. Best regards, Sam Schwarzman, South Bay Lodge 1145 F&AM.

Referred by: Net Search
From: Conway, South Carolina
Time: 2000-02-29 16:50:20

Name: Larry Gorman
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Cleburne,Texas,USA
Time: 2000-02-28 23:01:38
Comments: I liked your site a lot! I'm a member of Cleburne #315. My lodge and city are named after General Patrick R. Cleburne, from Ireland. My ancestors are from Ireland as well (O'Gorman), and I hope one day to see you're beautiful lodge and country in person.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-28 22:16:41

Name: Joseph R.Keating
Website: The Keating's (there is a link to my Lodge)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Erial, New Jersey USA
Time: 2000-02-28 18:25:59
Comments: I have always wanted to visit you, someday I will. I am a member of Florence Lodge #87 F.&A.M. in Woodbury, New Jersey. I have begun researching my family tree, I'm stuck at a fellow from the 1800's named John T.Keating in the US but may have emigrated from Ireland as a child. ???? Do you know any Keating's? I'd love to hear from him/them. Joe Keating

Name: Geoff Fox
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Exton, Tasmania, Australia
Time: 2000-02-28 10:36:33
Comments: I haven't had a good look around but I like what I've seen so far! So I've bookmarked it for a better look later.

Name: Donald Harty
Referred by: Net Search
From: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Time: 2000-02-28 06:05:07
Comments: Great pages. Very informative. I printed out much of it because I will be in Ireland for 2 weeks in March and want to visit your Lodges. I am Senior Warden of Oasis #52 in Tucson, Arizona.

Name: David Henderson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lodge 775 and Lodge 96,Ballymena
Time: 2000-02-24 21:54:23
Comments: Very impressed with your Web Site.

Name: Tony Holderby
Website: Lodge 769
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Salyersville Ky.
Time: 2000-02-23 01:24:20
Comments: From the hills of eastern Kentucky.May the light shine from here to Ireland.Thank you for the site to enjoy our Brothers.

Name: D C Blount
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 2000-02-20 01:16:41
Comments: To Our Brothers in Ireland. I bring you fraternal greetings from the Worshipful Master, Wardens, Officers and all the Members of the Ken Wood Lodge No 4857 a London Lodge in the Register of the United Grand Lodge of England D C Blount Past Master & Charity Steward

Name: David Bingham
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Olathe, KS USA
Time: 2000-02-19 16:12:03
Comments: This a great web page, it is wonderful to be able to visit with my fellow brothers there in Ireland! Thank yoou for allowing me to visit .

Name: Tony Appleton
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jarrow UK
Time: 2000-02-19 09:23:11
Comments: Greetings from the mainland, great site easy to browse, S & F Tony

Name: Arthur William Donovan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Wamponomon Lodge # 437, Sag Harbor, NY, USA
Time: 2000-02-18 22:26:33
Comments: Fraternal Greetings to all of my masonoic brothers! My Grandfather, William O'Donovan, From County Cork, would be proud of the global reach of our fraternaty. Best Regards, Art Donovan

Name: Ian Harris
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Belfast
Time: 2000-02-18 21:14:02
Comments: It is nice to see that Grand Lodge has taken this step to bring fellow masons together on this new technology. It will bring all masons together throughout the world. Fraternal greatings from William Shannon 373.

Name: Gerhard Vitek
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sweden, residing in Boyle, Co. Roscommon
Time: 2000-02-17 20:03:31
Comments: Very delighted to find lodges in the area in such an easy way. Thank you! Moved to Ireland in October 99, mason VIII degree in the Swedish System. Would like to attend lodges in Boyle, Carrick on Shannon and Sligo. I found the site via a link on the web-site of my home lodge in Malmoe/Sweden. Beautiful site!

Name: Nelson C. McLarkey
Website: Chandler
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London, Ohio, USA
Time: 2000-02-13 21:24:17
Comments: Nice Site, Beauiful Photography Greetings from myself and the Brethern of Chandler Lodge No. 138, London, Ohio, Grand Lodge of Ohio. Past and Current Master of same. Would Like to be able to travel to Ireland. My Grandfather (father's father) immigrated from Ireland circa 1863. I do not know if the spelling of the name was corrupted or not. I have seen several [mis] spellings. Remember, meet on the level, act on the plumb and part upon the square.

Name: George Hetherington
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lisburn
Time: 2000-02-13 20:18:50
Comments: Edenderry 544. Nice to be able to look in at Molesworth Street, and hear from the brethern around the World.

Name: Cathy Williamson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kelowna BC, Canada
Time: 2000-02-12 04:10:31
Comments: Looking for the start of my ancestors connections to the Masons. Nearly every generation. As they were Presbyterians in Northern Ireland in 1800-1837 I am still hoping to find the connections.

Name: parmenion korvessis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: athens greece
Time: 2000-02-11 22:58:53
Comments: I send greetings from greece parmenion korvessis PM PGDC PGJD of NGL of GREECE

Name: H. Wade Doyle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tucson, Az, USA
Time: 2000-02-11 00:28:07
Comments: I think your site is very well done. The view of your Lodge rooms are interesting. Fraternally Greatings from Arizona.

Name: W Bro Andrew Wills
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ballymena Masonic Prov of Antrim
Time: 2000-02-08 13:58:53
Comments: Thank you Grand Master for your kind words of introduction and i bring you farternal greetings from myself (PM) the WM Wardens, Officiers and Brethren of Seven Towers Masonic Lodge 476 Ballymena in the Province of Antrim. As you will see i have signed PM, but this has only been from friday the 4/02/00. We had the pleasure of the Rt W P Asst.Grand Master Noel Millar at the installation of officers on Friday past. It was quite an enjoyable evening, as i took the plunge and installed my sucessor, now W Bro. Alex Walker. Having vacated the seat of WM i will now be able to get more involved in the Degree Work as i found it not only a pleasure but a great honour to install my suessor. I hope that you personally get to read this message and wish you, your assistant and officers best wishes for the year ahead, and 275th year celebrations Yours W Bro A Wills

Name: Chris Lewis
Referred by: AOL
From: Treffgarne - West Wales
Time: 2000-02-07 22:48:18
Comments: Being new to Masonary (1yr) I was very impressed with the site and will keep looking in from time to time as one visit is not sufficient to have a really good look around the site

Name: Will McMullan
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Prov. of Antrim
Time: 2000-02-07 22:26:21
Comments: Very enjoyable visit.Interesting to see around the Grand Lodge building as I have not been able to visit it yet.

Name: Andrew Kenelm Luke Mural, P.M.
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: TTTTrinidad, W. I.
Time: 2000-02-06 14:35:00
Comments: Brethren All ! Congratulations on a superb website presentation. The photographic tour of Grand Lodge is a marvellous gesture. I am a Past Master of my Mother Lodge, Hesperus #1738 S.C. I am at present, the organist of the Lodge, and District Grand Organist in the D.G.L. of Trinidad& Tobago. Hearty good wishes and warmest fraternal greetings to you all. Andy. Sun. 6th Feb.2000.

Name: Andrew Kenelm Luke Mural, P.M.
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: TTTTrinidad, W. I.
Time: 2000-02-06 14:33:48
Comments: Brethren All ! Congratulations on a superb website presentation. The photographic tour of Grand Lodge is a marvellous gesture. I am a Past Master of my Mother Lodge, Hesperus #1738 S.C. I am at present, the organist of the Lodge, and District Grand Organist in the D.G.L. of Trinidad& Tobago. Hearty good wishes and warmest fraternal greetings to you all. Andy. Sun. 6th Feb.2000.

Name: Andrew Staiger
Website: Peter A. B. Widener Lodge No. 671
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philadelphia, PA USA
Time: 2000-02-05 18:04:36
Comments: You have a very interesting site. I especially enjoyed the photographic tour of your lodge. I am going to include a link to your site on my lodge’s site so our brethren can find you as well.

Name: Alan Robinson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Pool-in-Wharfedale Nr Leeds GB
Time: 2000-02-04 21:10:29
Comments: Please can anyone give details of a Lodge Acacia Thanks

Name: Bro. B Gayton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 2000-02-03 20:26:51
Comments: Greetings from the Lodge of Friendship no 100, Great Yarmouth, Province > of Norfolk, English constitution.

Name: Robin Williams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wales
Time: 2000-02-03 18:16:56
Comments: Excellent web page,now that I know where Grand Lodge is in Dublin I would like to visit,having been to Mullingar and knowing the welcome we had there I am sure that I would receive the same in Dublin. May the G.A.O.T.U.be with you all Yours Fraternally Bro R.Williams Madryn Lodge No:6322 in the province of North Wales

Name: Geoff Williams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Durban South Africa
Time: 2000-02-01 20:14:42
Comments: A excellent website, certainly the best I have seen. No longer active ex Marine number 627 Natal I greet you all well.

Name: Phil Holmes
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Walkerton, Ontario, Canada
Time: 2000-01-31 02:18:37
Comments: Dear Sir; My name is Phil Holmes and I am a Master Mason with the No. 197 Saugeen Lodge here in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada. If you look on a map, it is south of the city of Owen Sound near Lake Huron. The reason I'm writing is to ask if you could give me a contact near the town of Cork in SW Ireland. My wife is looking to attend the Ballymaloe Cookery School near there, hopefully, this fall. My family and I are going to come over for the months of Sept. and Oct. and would like to inquire if there is any short term accomodation, such as a cottage for rent, that might be available during that time. I would also be very interested in attending a Lodge in the area if that were possible. Any leads you might be able to provide would be much appreciated. I am very grateful that you had taken the time to post a web page and provide this forum. I can be reached on the web at the email address above or at pholmes27@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide. Fraternally yours, Phil Holmes, No. 197 Saugeen Lodge Ontario, Canada

Name: Giles Craig
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: wiltshire uk
Time: 2000-01-30 17:31:25
Comments: I belive my great grand father and my grandfather were bretheren in dublin I now follow in their footsteps and take the chair in the craft in march would anyone have heard of my fore fathers Thomas Henry Robert and John Robert Craig

Name: B. Scott Chitwood
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Georgia, USA
Time: 2000-01-29 16:39:44
Comments: As Worshipful Master of Toccoa Lodge 309 F & AM in Georgia, USA I extend fraternal greetings to my brethren across the globe. Great webpage!

Name: Harry Young
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Belfast
Time: 2000-01-29 12:13:21
Comments: Interesting and informative pages showing the positive and open attitude required to promote the Brotherhood.All brethern reading this page are welcome at Downpatrick Lodge 369 2nd. Fridays (ex.6-7-8-)

Name: Michael J. Jordan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
Time: 2000-01-26 12:52:29
Comments: Greeting from Jasper #14 Edmonton,Alberta,Canada

Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 2000-01-23 22:00:38

Name: Thomas Anthony Murphy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia - (Born in Ireland - Navan Co. Meath)
Time: 2000-01-23 15:12:37
Comments: I am a Member of Lodge Annandale Rembrance No. 240 - under the United Grand Lodge of NSW & the ACT I am currently the Junior Warden. I am also a Companion in the Royal Arch under the Jurisdiction of the United Supreme Grand Chapter of Mark and Royal Arch Masons of NSW & the ACT, and I have the privilege of being the Caretaker of the Petersham Royal Arch Temple which holds the very unique Egyptian Room - if anyone would like to know more about our Egyptian Room - please email me. Loved your Web Sight and hope one day to visit you in Ireland. Tom Murphy

Name: Anil B Pradhan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: India
Time: 2000-01-23 08:01:54
Comments: Nice to know that the Grand Lodge is encouraging more interaction amongst the Brethren. Will keep in touch.

Name: Ron Keilly
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey/New York, USA
Time: 2000-01-21 17:19:17
Comments: I am a MM of Consolidated Lodge #31, First Manhattan District, Grand Lodge of the State of New York. Viewed your site. It is great. I would like to correspond with travelers who will be in this juridiction in the near future. Fraternally, Bro. Ron Keilly

Name: Bill Doss
Referred by: Net Search
From: Goshen Lodge #119 Ohio, USA
Time: 2000-01-21 01:51:15
Comments: One of the best Masonic web sites I've seen.

Name: vincent campellone
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 2000-01-20 04:14:40
Comments: Thank you for such a wonderful home site! I am a master mason raised in Anaheim California USA. I worked up the line for nine years to become master of the lodge. My coach has since passed away, His name was Ralph Neff., P.M. and a dear friend. I Must tell you that he was a wonderful teacher of masonry. Currently I am not affiliated with any Lodge. just traveling, from west to east, in search of that which was lost!

Name: J. Michael Jones
Referred by: Net Search
From: Phoenix, Arizona USA
Time: 2000-01-19 21:25:37
Comments: may be in Ireland in Oct 2000. Looking for a lodge to visit. Would recommend individual lodges be identified by city or area versus lodge number for people looking to visit. A great looking web page.

Name: Derek J Walsh JP
Referred by: Tripod
From: Leeds via Dublin
Time: 2000-01-19 20:35:00
Comments: I visit my home town at least twice every year and would be most interested in visiting a Lodge. My mother lodge in the UK is Baildon 1545 and I am currently an EA, FC 11/02, MM 11/07. Please advise me on best practice. Many thanks. PS - very informative and stylish web site

Name: bradley johnston
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: fort mcmurray alberta canada
Time: 2000-01-17 15:48:19
Comments: fraturnal greetings from canada.very good masonic site.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-15 17:02:09

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-13 17:13:58

Name: Terry A Laukka
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Warren ,Maine USA
Time: 2000-01-10 21:21:05
Comments: Just seeing how other Brothers are doing.

Name: Lawrence J. Flanagan
Referred by: Net Search
From: Augusta,Georgia,USA
Time: 2000-01-10 04:57:38
Comments: The Brethren in Ireland have a very informative and easy to use site. I was also very impressed but the charitable work you have set up. Thank you for the opportunity to stop by and visit. Larry Flanagan, PM, John S. Davidson # 677

Name: John Fox
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Charles Brigham Jr. #419 Madisonville/Madeira Loveland, OH U.S.A.
Time: 2000-01-08 14:24:47
Comments: Truly a great page and well done. As an Irishman in America it does my heart good to see and be able to correspond with other Brothers throughout Ireland and the world. Myself and others will be in Ulster in July and look forward to visiting the Grand Lodge and others. I assume by reading the Internet Lodge letter that any MM will be allowed to join the "Cyber lodge"? We wish you all the best in the new millenium and may God bless all of you in your endeavours.

Name: Wor.Bro Ivan Wolmarans
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: South Africa Connaught Lodge 361
Time: 2000-01-07 15:19:57
Comments: Oustanding web site, I would one day like to visit you all in Ireland.

Name: Brother Joe Fay
Website: Joe Fay's Home Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Coatbridge Lanarkshire
Time: 2000-01-04 19:37:38
Comments: Excellent web site brethern, from a master mason from lodge Whifflet St. John No. 963 Coatbridge. My father of the same name is P.M. of the same lodge and honourary menber of N0s. 305, 306, 949, 1198, 1291 all in Scotland. We loved the visit to the site and are wondering what is on the lower ground floor?

Name: Gordon W Michie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Markinch, Fife, Scotland
Time: 2000-01-03 16:35:12
Comments: I am very impressed with your web site, as I have recently taken on responsibility for Northern Ireland for my employer it is my fervent wish to be able to visit as many Lodges as possible when I am in the Province. I am currently IPM of my Lodge, Earl Haig No 1260 Province of Fife and Kinross. I would ask you to accept on behalf of my Master and Wardens our frtaernal greetings and take the opportunity to wish you and all your brethren a prosperous new millenium and a succesful anniversary year Yours f & f Gordon Michie

Name: Derek Laverty
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Newtownards.(Co. Down N. Ireland)
Time: 2000-01-01 16:59:17
Comments: Just called to visit the web site.Keep up the good work and a very Happy 2000 to you all.Derek Laverty .Ruby 808 Belfast.

Name: Scott Collins
Website: Acacia Lodge #452 F&AM
Referred by: Net Search
From: Savannah, Georgia
Time: 1999-12-30 16:48:23
Comments: Greetings from your Brother here in America. I have proud Irish roots and can't wait to visit your Grand Lodge. Feel free to visit our web site.

Name: Anthony Dunne
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wicklow 748, Wicklow Town, Ireland.
Time: 1999-12-30 13:49:01
Comments: This site will give the public a much better understanding of the Masonic Order and the work we do. Well done to all involved.

Name: Joseph Watson. PAGM, Antrim.
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-12-29 17:43:34
Comments: Rosemary Street hall should read Provincial Masonic Hall.Web site extremely good. Well done.Happy New Year. Joe Watson.

Name: P. L. Kwai
Website: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Singapore
Time: 1999-12-28 07:09:39
Comments: I am an ex-freemason and am fascinated to read some of the comments from other freemasons and non-masons. I left my Lodge (Lodge Singapore No. 7178) and went to Australia for a few years before returning to Singapore. In overseas masonic lodges, they really treat you as one of their brothers in the fraternity but in Singapore, freemasons belong to an elite group (successful businessmen, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, etc). However, I do enjoyed some of the friendship extended by some brotherly masons who not really bother about your social status. By and large, this is an exception than the (unwritten) rule. I do hope I can come back to freemasonry once again.

Name: Lonnie Cantrell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Greenleaf Gardens#670,Whittier,Calif.USA
Time: 1999-12-28 03:47:34
Comments: Indeed an honor to be able to leave my name and Lodge Name on this page.

Name: David Scott
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Portadown
Time: 1999-12-27 21:51:49
Comments: Excellent site....Congratulations it is a pleasure to use the site. Keep up the good work.

Name: David Scott
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Portadown
Time: 1999-12-27 21:47:20
Comments: Excellent site....Congratulaions it is a pleasure to use the site. Keep up the good work.

Name: Gunnar Hafsteinsson
Referred by: Net Search
From: Reykjavik, Iceland
Time: 1999-12-27 13:02:47
Comments: I like your site, keep on. Look forward to visit Ireland again.

Name: Bro. Michael Swanson
Website: Square and Compasses
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boston, Mass. U.S.A.
Time: 1999-12-26 23:23:08
Comments: Looking forward to visiting Lodge in Ireland in 2000.

Name: George M Toler, 32, KCCH
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Rural Hall,NC 27045-0066
Time: 1999-12-24 02:35:49
Comments: Great site, will be back often to see updates.

Name: George M Toler, 32, KCCH
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Rural Hall,NC 27045-0066
Time: 1999-12-24 02:30:55
Comments: Great site, will be back often to see updates.

Name: Freddie Webb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Greensboro, N. C.
Time: 1999-12-24 00:24:12
Comments: A very good web page, keep up the good work, happy Holidays, May God Bless, Worshipful Master, St. John's Lodge #12, 33 degree

Name: W.Bro. Andy Stephens JP
Website: oakdenelodge guest house
Referred by: From a Friend
From: 35 Windermere Road Belfast BT8 6QY
Time: 1999-12-22 12:23:08
Comments: congratulations on your web site this is my first visit, it is very good best wishes to all brethern for the year 2000. youre fraternall Andy Stephens

Name: noel hanna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ballymena Northern Ireland
Time: 1999-12-19 23:01:58
Comments: W.Bro.Noel Hanna Past Master of Patrick Masonic Lodge 493 Broughshane.

Name: Jonathan D. Phillips
Website: Carthage Lodge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Carthage Lodge #573 F.&A.M., Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Time: 1999-12-19 08:00:03
Comments: How may I affiliate with a local Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Ireland? In the Grand Lodge of Ohio, we are allowed to affiliate with another lodge outside of this jurisdiction. If I am allowed to affiliate with you, what are the fees? Thank you.

Name: Bro. Robert C. Duke, Jr. 32
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: colonial beach, virginia usa
Time: 1999-12-17 16:24:38
Comments: I really enjoyed the site!

Name: Alan Tibbetts PM
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Granite Lodge 446 Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-12-15 17:38:49
Comments: I love the clarity and colour to your web site and look forward to visiting often. Very informative

Name: Jonathan D. Phillips
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Carthage Lodge #573 F.&A.M., Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Time: 1999-12-15 09:28:22
Comments: Wonderful page. Blessings to you.

Name: Brian Nevelle Williams
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: I.P.M.D.O.L363Adelaide
Time: 1999-12-14 11:32:55
Comments: First attempt and very pleased with result. Hope to keep abreast with your updates. Surprised at the clarity of the photographic tour. Most pleasing.

Name: Roger Matthews
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-12-11 16:21:43
Comments: Very enjoyable web site packed with useful information.

Name: Burney W. Brandel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Colorado, USA
Time: 1999-12-08 18:45:17

Name: Glenn T. Brown
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Genoa, West Virgina U.S.
Time: 1999-12-07 05:39:26
Comments: Clicked onto your website trying to learn about brother freemasons in other parts of the english speaking world. I found your site very helpful. I am amember of vinson lodge #66 A.F.A.M.

Name: Brother Bob Low. SD
Website: http://members.aol.com/Janalow/
Referred by: Net Search
From: Ayrshire, Scotland
Time: 1999-12-06 23:32:29
Comments: Fraternal greetings Brethren, I have had the pleasure of visiting Grand Lodge in Dublin several times, and had the grand tour of the temples which never ceases to amaze me. I didnt realise you were here on the web but will certainly add a link on our own web site. I will be spending the millennium new year in Donegal, my favourite Irish haunt, and I wish you all on behalf of RWM Ian Watson and the Brethren of St Maurs a very happy Christmas and New Year when it comes Fraternally yours, Bro. Bob Low, Lodge St. Maurs Kilmaurs 1398 in the Province of Ayrshire, Scotland.

Name: Robert Palmer
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Wolverhampton,England
Time: 1999-12-05 16:25:32
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Castle Lodge, No.1621 in the Province of Shropshire. I have been particularly impressed with your website and we can all learn a lot from it. Congratulations in your work.

Name: Anthony J Codd
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 1999-12-04 22:27:52
Comments: Well done for being so open about Freemasonry.

Name: Mark Botha
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: South Africa
Time: 1999-11-30 23:25:03
Comments: As a past master of Kildare 323 and P.A.G.M. of S.A. Northern I.C.,I have found this to be a fascinating site and a credit to "The Way Forward". I am looking so forward to June 2000,when I will be in Ireland to see Grand Lodge and our 275th celebrations.

Name: Michael Knight
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chesapeake, Va-USA
Time: 1999-11-28 22:58:05
Comments: What a beautiful site!! I should hope to someday visit. I'm sure I will come back to the site many times. God Bless, Michael Knight MM-Great Bridge Lodge #257

Name: amos bar
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: israel shimshon lodge no.46 ashkelon
Time: 1999-11-27 21:07:27
Comments: I like very match this big work fraternal regards

Referred by: From a Web Ring
Time: 1999-11-24 15:11:11

Name: Thomas Doherty
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Glasgow
Time: 1999-11-23 10:14:50
Comments: An excellent Site ! Fraternal Greetings from the RWM and Brethren of Lodge #1436 Ruchill (Glasgow)

Name: John R. Pattison
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-11-23 02:29:09
Comments: I have enjoyed your website exceedingly! I particularly appreciated the photographic tour of the Grand Lodge Headquarters.

Name: Jonathan Schneier
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: University Hights Lodge, Cleveland Ohio, USA
Time: 1999-11-18 17:42:05
Comments: greetings

Name: Billy Leahy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Galway
Time: 1999-11-18 01:13:15
Comments: A well thought out site. Great to see all the charity work undertaken. Good luck.

Name: Barry J Martin. PM. S.O.C. Ldge 874
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lisburn, County Antrim.
Time: 1999-11-17 23:44:16
Comments: It's been a while since I last checked the site, for other than reading other people's comments, but today I was greatly impressed at the vast ammount of information that was available, and the excellent way in which it has been displayed on the site. My congratulations go to the Web Master & Team for the superb site that it is.

Name: David Marsh
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: York -England
Time: 1999-11-16 19:18:34
Comments: As a member of MITRE Lodge of York No 7321 may I congratulate you on your site . May I also offer the best wishes of my father-in-law THOMAS KENDAL GIVEN who was initiated into CULMORE Lodge No 320 in Nov 1944 and is still an active mason with CALCARIA Lodge No 2677 over here.

Name: Ian M. Donald
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Burlington Ontario Canada
Time: 1999-11-15 08:01:01
Comments: Greetings from Hillcrest Ldg. #594 GRC, Hamilton Ontario, Canada. I have been visiting many Masonic web sites and yours is one to be proud of. Always willing to trade some chat with anyone willing to Email me. Fraternally Ian

Name: John L.Sharp
Referred by: Lycos
From: Sidcup Kent England
Time: 1999-11-14 20:50:02
Comments: I hope to visit Ireland in 2000 for your 275th celebrations. I can see by the many places of masonic interest that I will have to plan my trip with great care, so as to take in as much as possible in the time allowed. What a great website-well done, I can see I shall be viewing this frequently over the coming months. May I extend fraternal greetings from the W.M and brethren of the New Venture Lodge No:7516 E.C.(London). Best wishes from W.Bro.John Sharp PAGPurs.

Name: W J Stevenson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Living Luton England
Time: 1999-11-13 20:27:18
Comments: Former pupil of Masonic Boys School Dublin 1971-78, enjoyed the site & comments from some old boys

Name: W.Bro. Thomas F. Hudson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Time: 1999-11-13 20:13:30
Comments: Fraternal Greetings, Brethren, from the USA. I am a Past Master (1994) of Dentsville Lodge #398, A.F.M., of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. Was raised in that Lodge in 1988. Was interested in your site as my fraternal great-grandmother (nee Palmer) emmigrated to the USA from Ireland in the late 19th century.

Name: Tony Darlison
Referred by: Lycos
From: Glittering Star 322IC in England
Time: 1999-11-12 00:16:57
Comments: Excellent web site. perhaps a few more pictures of the various rooms from different angles. Maybe extracts from the video on our charities could be added somtime. fratenal wishes. Tony D.

Name: Heath Smith
Website: Sexton Lodge 251 AF & AM
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1999-11-11 19:07:32
Comments: Your website is both informative and pleasing. Keep up the good work.

Name: José Sousa Sobrinho
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Brasilia-Brazil
Time: 1999-11-11 10:05:34
Comments: First of all congratulations for your page it's very interesting. I became a manson just one year ago and I'm very happy to can contact you by net.

Name: Conrad Guy
Referred by: Net Search
From: Orangeville, Ontario, Canada but originally from Dublin.
Time: 1999-11-05 03:09:44
Comments: Found you at last. Fraternal greetings. What a fabulous site. Well done. As an ex-pat. it is a pleasure to see such wonderful work -- "who would reject such work"?? I must be one of the more fortunate of our Brethren because I have visited the Grand Lodge several times and also attended a meeting on one of my visits. For any who haven't visited I can only say it's really worth the effort to go. Incidentally, your Tyler deserves a special mention as he is most helpful,extremely patient and very knowledgable. I noticed that you have had several requests to open a site for ex pats. - what a good idea. It really would be helpful to all us "foreigners" to be able to contact our Brethren who are spread over the four corners of the earth and keep us in contact with home. Congratulations once again on a job well done. All the best for now Yours fraternally Conrad Guy I.P.M. I.P.Z.

Name: Wesley Eugene Law
Referred by: Geocities
From: Columbus, Ohio USA
Time: 1999-10-30 18:42:12
Comments: Master of New England Lodge #4, Worthington, Ohio; Looking for information to use for presentation at Widows' night; Of Irish descent, my mother's grandparents immigrated to Illinois from Ireland in the 1860's (Ramsay married a Ramsey!!) My wife is of Welsh heritage and Law is of the McLaren clan in Scotland so we have Celtic blood flowing freely in our children. The thistle & shamrock!! Looking forward to visiting the 'isles' someday and would love to sit in lodge. Fraternally yours, W. Eugene Law

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1999-10-29 23:59:46

Name: Norman D. Ponder W.M.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Baytown Lodge #1357 Texas
Time: 1999-10-29 21:04:00
Comments: Hello to all my brothers in Ireland. I hope to get to come see your beautiful country one day. If any brother ever comes to the Houston, Texas area please call if anything is needed. If you would please send me something with the Grand Lodge of Ireland's logo on it. I will send something from Texas. My address is Norman D. Ponder 4936 Deerwood Circle Baytown, Texas 77521 Ph:281-424-4083 Thank You, Norman D. Ponder Worshipful Master-1999/2000 Baytown Lodge #1357 Baytown, Texas

Name: Vazhipokkil K Rajan
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Calicut, Kerala State, India
Time: 1999-10-29 15:01:06
Comments: Congratulations to the M. W. Grand Master and the team behind the exellent website! May I take this OPPertunity to invite brotheren of Irish Lodges to visit Lodge SAXENA #815 at Calicut in Kerala State in the sothern part of India( better known as Malabar Region)? We meet on second Saturdays. Fraternal Greetings from the Worshipful Master and the brotheren of LODGE SAXENA # 815.

Name: Christopher Linderman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania & Alexandria, Virginia
Time: 1999-10-26 18:56:46
Comments: Just thought I would stop by and say hello. I like your web page. Very informative. If you wish to return email, I enjoy talking to brother Master Masons.

Name: Bro.James Findlay
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hamilton, Scotland
Time: 1999-10-21 21:15:49
Comments: I found out a lot about Freemasonary in different countries. It was well worth looking into!

Name: Michael Bresett
Website: Personal Home Page
Referred by: Lycos
From: Donna Lodge 1136 Donna, Texas / Napperville,IL
Time: 1999-10-20 12:19:56
Comments: Outstanding web sight. I am in Ireland on business and hoped to attend Lodge. My trip being of short notice did not allow me to plan for this. The map of Ireland on this web sight was very beneficial in providing me with the Lodges in the Shannon area with days and time for states meeting. Hats off for a job well done.

Name: Bro. Phil Burgess
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Lodge of Faith 484
Time: 1999-10-20 12:01:35
Comments: as being very new to the internet but a mason of several years I found your website very interesting and I wish more mason's were redeady to be so open. Good luck for the future. Faternally yours Bro. Phil Burgess (junior warden)

Name: Ken Fernie
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Originally Lodge St. Clair of Dysart #520 S.C.
Time: 1999-10-19 19:47:00
Comments: Greetings to all in the Irish Constitution. I lived in Zambia for many years and was privileged to attend Downpatrick Lodge in Lusaka where I had many friends, especially Harold Murtagh and Freddie Allen.I also visited the Irish Chapter on many occasions.It's nice to keep in touch from California. God Bless. Ken Fernie

Name: Barry McQueen
Website: Derrycorry Purple Guards Temperance Loyal Orange Order Lodge No. 52
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Loughgall, N. Ireland
Time: 1999-10-19 13:31:46
Comments: Although not a freemason, I could not fail to have been impressed at your building, which I was fortunate enough to have visited a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I was unable to have the complete tour and only saw some of the lodge rooms. I fully intend to be back sometime as part of a guided tour to see the complete building (or as much as I am allowed to see !) God Bless !

Name: kurt whitfield wagner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: W.Milford, NJ
Time: 1999-10-17 18:47:29
Comments: Very nice, enjoyed the whole tour. 32 year member of Silentia #168 in Butler, NJ, as was my grandfather, great grandfather and great, great grandfather, then from England somewhere around Manchester Fraternally Kurt

Name: R Vogan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ballymena
Time: 1999-10-17 00:04:38
Comments: Congratulations to all concerned in setting this up I have been meaning to do this for some time. R Vogan Past Master & Sec Lodge No 149 Ballymena

Name: Bro.Bob David
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 1999-10-16 11:21:04
Comments: An extremely well set up web page, a credit to those responsible. Please accept fraternal greetings from myself and my Lodge, Ballarat Lodge No114. Keep up the good work. I am sure that I will visit again. Yours Fraternally, Bro.Bob David, Secretary, Ballarat Lodge No.114.

Name: Brian Jennings
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Zimbabwe
Time: 1999-10-13 19:00:25
Comments: I am delighted to discover that Grand Lodge has a website and have been reading it with great interest and enormous pleasure. I reside in retirement in Harare, Zimbabwe where I have affiliated to St. Patrick Lodge Mo 517 I.C. but was initiated into Lodge Hibernia No 749 I.C. Nairobi in Kenya 33 years ago and had the great honour to be Master of Hibernia when the Lodge was visited by The R. W. Grand Master, the Marquis of Donegal in 1985. He was accompanied by the Grand Secretary Michael Walker on that occasion. (For a time the Grand Secretary's brother was also a member of Lodge Hibernia and I send him my regards wherever he is now). I have forgotten the number of years I have held the office of organist (and played as a guest organist in other Constitutions). It was a very welcome honour therefore to receive the office of Hon.Past Grand Organist in the Irish Constitution. Having visited this website I am now 'working' on my good Wife to persuade her that we should visit Ireland next year for the 275th celebrations!

Name: Thomas J. Ferguson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lee, New Hampshire USA
Time: 1999-10-13 17:34:58
Comments: Gentlemen, Your website is quite impressive and I enjoyed looking through it. I am a Mason and a Past Master of Liberty Lodge AF&AM ( 1992 - 94 ), in Beverly Massachusetts USA. I was looking at several different websites and had the luck of finding yours. One day (in the not too distant future) I hope to visit Ireland, and when in Dublin I will pay you a visit. My Grandmother ( Annie O'Driscoll ) was born in the Southwest of Ireland in Cork, Ballydehob, and I have wanted to visit to see if any relatives would still be in that area. Regards, Thom Ferguson

Name: Colin Reid WM
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newtownards
Time: 1999-10-13 15:49:24
Comments: Great to see web page - I will be visiting Molesworth Street on Saturday 16 October 1999 with my lodge (731, Newtownards). Looking forward to an enjoyable day.

Name: Don White
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-10-12 19:40:05
Comments: Congratulations to all concerned with this page.There are many reasons for further visits.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-12 12:26:57

Name: Matthew Jacob
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Midwest USA
Time: 1999-10-09 16:44:15
Comments: Greetings! I'm interested in Free Masonry as primarily a path for spiritual development. Although I live in the USA, I have a sincere longing to strengthen my Celtic heritage. Perhaps you could explain any similiarities/differences that exist between the lodges in Great Britain vs. USA. In addition, My personal interests involves utilizing "magick" as a self-improvement tool. Although I have no knowledge of your rites and rituals, I gather from illustrations and pictures I've viewed, it appears they are primarily "high-magick" in nature. Correct? Also, I am curious as to any historical relationship between Freemasonry and the practices of the ancient Druids. Although answering my questions in depth may not be permitted, I'd truly appreciate some sort of clarification on the nature of Freemasonry. Your assistance GREATLY appreciated! Thank you.

Name: Lori
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-10-06 22:21:16
Comments: Can a woman become a Free Mason? I noticed that you refer only to men.

Name: VWBro E.R. (Ted) Morris
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Victoria Lodge 474 GRC Toronto Ontario Canada
Time: 1999-10-06 04:35:21
Comments: In 1998 I swapped my home and car in Toronto with a Brother in Ayshire for three weeks. Each of us saw the other's country at a reasonable price, visited lodges, made friends. I am considering a similar exchange in 2000. Any Brother in Ireland interested in talking it over? Your web page seems l;ike a good place to start. (Toronto is one hour from Niagara Falls.) Ted Morris

Name: H.Dale Reed
Referred by: Net Search
From: Richmond,Ohio
Time: 1999-10-05 05:54:25
Comments: Have a good home page,lots of Info.,will check back later, was looking for info on KNIGHT MASONS OF IRALAND ,Thank you and have a good day. H.Dale Reed Past master Toronto Lodge # 583 Toronto Ohio 43952

Name: Peter Leach
Website: Pete's Pages
Referred by: Net Search
From: . IrelandLisburn
Time: 1999-10-04 21:23:31
Comments: At last we are on the NET. Very good site hope Lodges join the link pages. I have some personal Masonic details on my site already though not a Lodge site as such.

Name: Jon Clarke
Website: Asia Masonic Resource
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Bangkok
Time: 1999-10-01 01:01:56
Comments: Well done on the recent update chaps, well done indeed. Please feel free to visit the HK site at Hong Kong Masonic Web Site . We will also be doing some pages for the lodges who meet here in Thailand in near future.
Jon Clarke
Lodge Marokot # 945

Name: W Bro WJ Fletcher
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-09-29 00:26:28
Comments: Fraternal greetings to all Brethren and also to any other visitors to the site PLH prevailing always. From the WM Officers & Bretren of Gibson Lodge No. 87.

Name: David M. Hinkley
Website: Heirloom Pantry Products
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lee's Summit, Missouri USA
Time: 1999-09-28 16:51:32
Comments: Greetings Brothers and Fellows from Raytown Lodge 491 AF&AM, Raytown, Missouri.

Name: Ian I Graham
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Stranraer, Scotland
Time: 1999-09-27 19:42:21
Comments: I am a member and Past Master of Stranraer Kilwinning No. 208 and a regular visitor to Lodge Kilwaughter 762 in Larne. I bring Fraternal Greetings from my Mother Lodge Stranraer Kilwinning No. 208.

Name: Alfred Quinn
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Newmarket, Ontario
Time: 1999-09-26 17:05:42
Comments: I have been searching for some time for an Irish Grand Lodge WEB page and am delighted to finally find you "on the WEB", Your site is already well developed, the arrangement of the various floors is a good idea and the pictures are of very good quality. I had the great pleasure to visit your magnificient building and to tour the facilities some 16 or 17 years ago, the decor is outstanding and the few photographs I was permitted, have been proudly shown to a good number of Canadian Masons. I am a proud Past Master of The Lodge Of Antiquity A.F. & A.M. No. 1 G.R.Q. formerly "the Lodge of Social & Military Virtues No. 227, G.C. Ireland". During my brief tour I marvelled at the delightful Stained Glass windows and beautifully maintained fittings and ornaments. I also had a chance to visit the archives and see a few pieces of old correspondence to and from my mother lodge and G.L.I. St. Patrick's Night is still a very special occassion in our Lodge and we always meet on that date, whether a regular meeting night or not and I beleive we still receive the representative from the Grand Master of the G.L.I. on that occassion. Unfortunate I have not been there in person for some years as I currently live in Ontario and am now affiliated with Corinthian Lodge 481 G.L.C. Since I am Lodge Historian in Corinthian I would be interested to have information about the Irish History Lodge. (Sorry I've forgotten the correct name) What about the formation of an internet lodge for Irish (and those who wish to be) ex-patriates. Fraternal Greetings.

Name: John Lynn
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Pickering,Ont.
Time: 1999-09-25 19:07:31
Comments: Former Pupil of the Masonic School, Dublin from 1969 to 1977 Great Web Page. Mother Lodge Hugh M Jackson 673. Crumlin Road N.Ireland.

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-09-22 19:41:51
Comments: Fraternal greetings from the W.M.,Officers and Brethern of Provincial Grand Master's Peace Lodge 110.This is my first visit to the site and found it very interesting. The photo's of the lodge room's are fantastic.I look forward to visiting again. Fraternally Your's Bro T.Totten.

Referred by: From a Friend
From: co. DOWN
Time: 1999-09-20 19:42:08
Comments: an excellent web site, well worth visiting I was introduced to it by a friend many months ago but didnt have time to enjoy it then. I'm glad I made the time and will recommend it to others.fraternal greetings to all from Endeavour masonic lodge Hollywood, Co. Down.

Name: Dncan Fisken
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Singapore
Time: 1999-09-20 02:24:49
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Singapore, and congratulations to all those associated with the Grand Lodge of Ireland Web Site - excellent work! Duncan M Fisken, Asst Grand Inspector, Inspectorate of S E Asia, Singapore

Name: W.Bro Colin G. Barber
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jordanstown Co. Antrim N. Ireland
Time: 1999-09-17 22:17:52
Comments: An excellent site and well worth a visit by anyone involved in or interested in Irish Freemasonry, indeed, the craft as a whole. I look forword to visiting again and hopefully contribute some items of interest. Fraternally Yours, W.Bro Colin G. Barber (Carlton 678 Rosemary St. Belfast-3rd Friday, and Liscoole 763 Whiteabbey Masonic Centre, Newtownabbey 3rd Tuesday)

Name: W.Bro Colin G. Barber
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Jordanstown Co. Antrim N. Ireland
Time: 1999-09-17 22:17:03
Comments: An excellent site and well worth a visit by anyone involved in or interested in Irish Freemasonry, indeed, the craft as a whole. I look forword to visiting again and hopefully contribute some items of interest. Fraternally Yours, W.Bro Colin G. Barber (Carlton 678 Rosemary St. Belfast-3rd Friday, and Liscoole 763 Whiteabbey Masonic Centre, Newtownabbey 3rd Tuesday)

Name: robert geary
Referred by: Net Search
From: winnipeg canada
Time: 1999-09-17 06:31:03
Comments: // Just browsing the net and thought of my mother lodge Ark Royal 880 at the Mount in Belfast.I would appreciate any advice you can give me on continuing my m embership incanada.

Name: Graham L. Baker Sr., PM
Website: Pyramid Lodge No. 43, F&AM
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Reno, Nevada
Time: 1999-09-17 06:04:47
Comments: Fraternal Greetings and Warmest Regards from the Officers and Brethren of Pyramid Lodge. It is always a pleasure visiting our Brethren's sites and viewing the work that has been done in the quarry. Keep up the Great Work! Sincerely and fraternally, Graham L. Baker Sr., PM/Webmaster

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-09-15 19:00:54

Name: Fabio Poggelli
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Rome - Italy
Time: 1999-09-12 10:03:59
Comments: I am a membership of Internet Lodge n. 9659, UGLE, living in Italy. Congratulation on your WEB pages, they are great.

Name: David Rhodes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Preston, England
Time: 1999-08-29 00:54:40
Comments: Greetings from Royal Preston Lodge No.333 UGLE.Very interesting site, congratulations. Best wishes to all my friends in Ireland, especially Triune Lodge No.333

Name: Wor. Bro. Douglas D. Dame
Referred by: AOL
From: Lincoln, Rhode Island, USA
Time: 1999-08-28 01:15:25
Comments: Most Worshipful Master, I send the greetings of Barney Merry Lodge #29 located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA. My name is Douglas Dame. I am the newly elected master for the ensuing year. I wish you well with your term as Grand Master Of Ireland. It pleases me to find so many interesting web sites dedicated to the Craft. Fraternally, Douglas D. Dame Master

Name: Brian Redmond
Referred by: Net Search
From: Dublin
Time: 1999-08-09 21:10:06
Comments: A very interesting site.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-08-04 21:00:46
Comments: keep on the level

Referred by: AOL
Time: 1999-08-04 04:39:25

Name: Robert Wilkinson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Time: 1999-08-03 03:23:32
Comments: I belong to lodge number 761-Amethyst and am visiting my daughters in Canada, in London Ontario. I have found this website most interesting. Yours sincerely, W/brother, Robert Wilkinson-past provincial Grand Master of Down Standard Bearer

Name: Avraham Hayam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Jerusalem, Israel
Time: 1999-08-02 14:04:25
Comments: Fraternal Greetings, A magnificent web site, like your magnificent country and people. Brothers who plan to visit jerusalem, please contact me. S&F Avraham Hayam Master Mason HAR ZION #2 lodge, Jerusalem - The origin of Frr Masonry Israel

Name: Lars Holstad
Referred by: Net Search
From: Norway
Time: 1999-07-31 11:35:54
Comments: I am a St.Andrew Master from Trondheim, Norway. I will be i Ireland on vacation from August 14th I look forward to a pleasant stay in your wonderful country.

Name: John Coyle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dumfries Scotland
Time: 1999-07-30 23:20:36
Comments: Greeting from the RWM and Brethern of Thistle Lodge no.62

Name: Arthur A Prentice
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lisburn
Time: 1999-07-27 19:38:51
Comments: Faternal Greetings from A A Prentice Have just toured the site and think that its wonderful Well done to all the team W.Bro Arthur A Prentice Anahilt 683 PS I'm forty six today - see you in Belsize Rd

Name: D. A. Hamilton
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Dublin, Ireland
Time: 1999-07-27 14:36:53
Comments: I was surprised and delighted to find your web site. It was most interesting browsing around the site and I particularly enjoyed the photographic tour of Molesworth Street, as I have passed by the building many times and often wondered what the inside might look like. Great site, keep up the good work.

Name: anon x5
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1999-07-27 11:36:02
Comments: At last action has been taken. I think the choice of J.C as GI is wise. If the news is true I am very relaxed now. The future looks good. Thank you whoever you are and let the G.M and G.S. know . Yours sincerely and fratenally, A happy brother

Name: john hart
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: hertfordshire england
Time: 1999-07-23 10:55:55
Comments: thank you for your help regarding a visit to carlow, i have written to the secretary. fraternal greetings from icknield lodge 4670 hertfordshire

Name: Manuel E. Lochard Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Metamora Indinana U.S.
Time: 1999-07-22 03:02:23
Comments: I belong to lodge 131 Milan Indinana. thanks Manuel

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-07-21 23:10:00
Comments: YOUR SIGHT IS WONDERFULL; Greatings to all the brothers from, the EAST, WEST, SOUTH, and NORTH....Mathew.23:8-9

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-07-21 23:08:27
Comments: YOUR SIGHT IS WONDERFULL; Greatings to all the brothers from, the EAST, WEST, SOUTH, and NORTH....Mathew.23:8-9

Name: David Gossett
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kendallville Indiana USA
Time: 1999-07-21 03:13:19
Comments: Nice web site brothers,,,, I am from Kendallville Lodge#276 Kendallville In. just surfed on and thought I would say hello to you all,I also wanted to tell ya all about a site www.masonic-network.com check it out sometime,am junior deacon this year, what a blast also like to do most of the cookin,,so anyway say hello to Boaz and will keep looking to the east,,,,,,dave

Name: christopher j browne
Website: The role of Free masons in Irish Society
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-07-20 21:29:49
Comments: I have set up a great web site with valuable links in my Guestbook to other Free Mason sites around the world.Please add your own !!!!

Name: Calvin D. Mitchell, Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Richmond, VA, USA
Time: 2000-03-02 22:36:04
Comments: You have an excellent web page and I intend to visit again in the near future


Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: johnstone renfrewshire.scotland
Time: 1999-07-18 13:59:25
Comments: fraternal greetings, to the brethren of ireland,especially those brethren of lodge royal st george no 633(THE BEST LODGE IN IRELAND)from the past masters ,office bearers and brethren of lodge houstoun st johnstone no 242on the roll of the grand lodge of scotland. regards. brian kerr R.W.M. 242. P.S. keep the faith.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-07-17 23:49:30

Name: Robert M. Allardice
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1999-07-17 18:05:33
Comments: I am interested in Masonic Philately. I have done Biographies on Masons who have had Postage Stamps issued honouring them or events they have been involved in. I am interested in knowing if there are any Irish Masons honoured with Postage Stamps.

Name: John A. Behan
Referred by: Net Search
From: Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
Time: 1999-07-16 06:29:08
Comments: As a Master Mason of Arizona Lodge #2 of Free & Accepted Masons and a man of Irish heritage, I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to surf your most informative site. I hope that day comes soon that I will be back in Ireland and be able to visit an Irish Lodge. My Irish Brothers, you have represented our gentle craft well and honorably and I applaud you!

Name: Robert Dawson.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dublin
Time: 1999-07-13 20:38:45
Comments: Glad to find your page and found it very interesting, as my late father William Dawson was a life time member, he died in 1967 and I still have his sashes with all the badges and certificates printed on parchment, as far as I remember he used to attend meeting s every other week and used to be a life member of the conservative club which used to be in York Street and moved to opposite the Meath Hospital a long time ago, I had a few friends I am sure you may remember, such as Joe Dixon, Mr Fisher and some more But they have passed on. Best Wishes with all Your Marches up North and Elsewhere. Robert.C.Dawson.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-07-13 20:35:33

Name: Francis Anthony Rafferty, Jr.
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Philadelphia, PA. USA
Time: 1999-07-13 17:07:20
Comments: I am new to the Freemasons, having just been raised in April and I am looking into different sites for Knowledge. I have found your site to be one of the most informative so far. I hope to come back to this site in the future and find it everything that it is now and more. Thank you for being there for me and I truely appreciate the effort that you have placed in making this site possible.

Name: A.S. DIN
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-07-12 19:39:47

Name: Norman Campbell
Referred by: Net Search
From: Belfast Masonic Charties
Time: 1999-07-10 18:07:56
Comments: I have found the website to have been useful with the information available on it. I will be down in Dublin on Thursday 15th July 1999 at a meeting of a joint charities namely the Belfast Commities and the VJMBF. Will call in to see if you recieved this.

Name: W Bro Hank van Tongeren
Website: KRING NIEUW HOLLAND, a study circle with a difference
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Melbourne, VIC. Australia
Time: 1999-07-07 11:55:10
Comments: Thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your very interesting web site. Sorry though that a few photo links did not work. I certainly will be back again. I also take this opportunity to convey the warmest fraternal greetings from the W.M. and brethren of Kring Nieuw Holland - to which I gladly add my own! Please do visit our Kring website - where you will find much of interest about our activities AND about freemasonry as worked in the Netherlands.

Name: Lorne Kavanagh
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Curran 532
Time: 1999-07-06 21:30:32
Comments: The web site is great. lets have more lodges with their own pages.

Name: Steve McVittie
Referred by: Lycos
From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1999-07-04 19:32:05
Comments: Greetings from Vancouver Canada, and from the officers and members of Composite Lodge #76 Our fraternal best wishes are sent to all the brethren of your Jurisdiction. Fraternally R. W. Bro. Steve McVittie, W. M. Composite Lodge #76

Name: Bernard Hope
Website: The Sunderland Lodge No. 4114
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Sunderland, Province of Durham, England
Time: 1999-06-30 21:43:22
Comments: Hello and fraternal greetings. Thought I would look at your web site as I have used you as a related masonic link on the web site of Sunderland Lodge. A very professional site.

Name: Jon Chadwick
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 1999-06-30 15:47:22
Comments: I am form Williamson Lodge #307, Womelsdorf, PA. I really enjoyed browseing through your site. Congradulations on your 275th anniversery.

Name: WBRO Brian Andrews
Website: Kings College London
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London
Time: 1999-06-30 12:49:44
Comments: I send you greetings from the bretheren of the Shereton Lodge NO 3019 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England It is nice to visit lodges on the web. I am I.P.M of my lodge coming out of the chair in March of this year. I lived in Dublin for a good ten years and never knew where the grand lodge was. I hope the next time I am in Dublin I will be able to visit. Yours fraternally B.C.Andrews

Name: Bro. Jim Crawford
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Markham. Ontario. Canada
Time: 1999-06-29 05:55:49
Comments: Greetings from Markham Union Lodge # 87. I will be visiting Dublin last week of September / first week of October this year and would like a contact name for information and permission to visit a Lodge during my stay. I really enjoyed your website and found it most interesting, keep up the great work. Fraternally. Bro. Jim Crawford

Name: Anon x 4
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Malta
Time: 1999-06-26 12:17:49
Comments: I am writing this final plea to be fowarded to the GS before it is too late. I hope the message will be passed on. I am doing this because I am a loyaL Irish Maltese mason. Let there be somebody at the helm of our lodges who is respected by all including other Constituitions. Please contact W.Davies.He will be back in Malta on the 10th.July.His phone is (356)316280 or the GI English Constituition Bro Eric Stuart phone (356) 410313.I will be in Cork for business in early August. I will try to contact you.I cannot divulge my name. I do not want to be on the bad books of my future GI. Fraternal greetings from a very worried Irish Mason

Name: Jimmy Ho-On
Referred by: Lycos
From: Kingston, Jamaica
Time: 1999-06-23 21:30:15
Comments: Congratulations, good to see that the Irish Constution have kept in stride with technology, I commend this. Keep up the good work. Fraternally, Jimmy Ho-On M.M. Emerald Lodge 899 IC

Name: Svend Aage Vedersø
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Denmark (#840 & #843)
Time: 1999-06-22 04:53:13
Comments: The best Grand Lodge Web homepage yet! I am missing a link to Research Lodge #CC (Lodge No.200)

Name: Peter Malan
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Milnerton Lodge 610 I.C
Time: 1999-06-19 09:34:56
Comments: Fraternal Greetings from the bretheren of Milnerton Lodge in Cape Town ,South Africa. Congratulations on a wonderful and well presented Web Page. Hope to be in Ireland next year.

Name: Kevin Poole
Referred by: Net Search
From: United States
Time: 1999-06-17 02:03:44
Comments: I am very interested in the Grand Lodge, and was a little disappointed that the link you have to join the Lodge was not functioning. Perhaps another time. The photographs were beautiful. If there is anyway that you cold contact me I would apprieciate it.

Name: W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA
Time: 1999-06-16 22:16:15
Comments: FRATERNAL GREETINGS and SALUTATIONS. It has been my great privilege and pleasure to visit the Island of Bermuda, and there enjoy the warmth of the fraternal welcome extended by the Masons in the several lodges I have attended. Last January, I was present for the 10th Anniversary celebrations of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bermuda, IC, and was honoured to meet R.W. Bro. Fenelon, the Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Walker, the Grand Secretary. I am most grateful to read R.W. Bro. Walker's inspiring "Personal Musings" on the Internet. Subsequently I applied for affiliation and have been accepted as a member of Hannibal Lodge No. 224 IC, Bermuda. This is one of my proudest Masonic connections. Many of the oldest Canadian lodges trace their ancestry back to the Military Lodges which carried the travelling Warrants issued by the Grand Lodge of Ireland. And so we complete yet another Masonic circle. We are indeed Brothers in a double sense! Sincerely, Raymond Daniels, New Hope Lodge No. 279 GRC Cambridge, and Hannibal Lodge No. 224 GRI Bermuda

Name: Peter Henry Leask
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: South Shields.England
Time: 1999-06-16 20:03:56
Comments: Excellent web site will revisit fraternal greetings Peter H Leask IPM Hedworth Lodge 2418 Province of Durham

Name: Albert Eales
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-06-16 19:55:36
Comments: Very imppressive, The Facade of the building is beutiful, and rooms of all orders are womderful, I should like to visit someday in person. But I will certainly visit your website in future. congratulations on a well put together page. Albert Eales PM Wyndham 688 GL of Canada Prov.of Ontario

Name: Victor Sereno
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Southport, GB
Time: 1999-06-16 19:08:51
Comments: Very well done. Fraternal greetings from Victor Sereno PPrJGW (West lancashire) PPrGSwdB (E.Lancs) W.M. Horton Lodge #8528 (E.Lancs) PM Menorah Lodge #4513 (W.Lancs) DC Internet Lodge #9659 (E.Lancs) all UGLE

Name: Thomas McKee
Referred by: AOL
From: Co. Antrim
Time: 1999-06-14 23:29:08
Comments: I am DOC of Ulster Memorial 549, SW of Bydand 92 and PM of Sure and Steadfast 619. I believe the use of this medium is important if we are to attract new members. Information should be made available in an easy to read format and as much as is possible. I got the www address from your circular. Good luck with the site.

Name: Denver Patton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tyler, Texas U.s.a.
Time: 1999-06-14 22:08:07
Comments: Very interesting

Name: anon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: malta
Time: 1999-06-13 09:27:13
Comments: I hope my message has been passed to our Grand Secretary and I hope he will take the advice of the old man of Irish masonary in Malta.He knows the situation. I hope it is not too late. We want peace' love and haromany in our Irish Lodges.

Name: William James Lynn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bangor, Co Down
Time: 1999-06-13 01:07:55
Comments: Very interesting web site, nice to see Boys and Girls charties mentioned in the site. Best wishes from an ex Richview boy.

Name: Revelin Phillips PM Powlett Lodge 661 UGLV
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wonthaggi/Victoria/Australia
Time: 1999-06-12 14:17:54
Comments: congratulations on a great web sight it is very intresting to look at freemasonry in other parts of the world My farther was a member of lodge 410 (don't know the name) before he came to australia in 1956. if this lodge still exists could you please sent me some details of it.

Name: Paul Mayner
Referred by: Net Search
From: Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Time: 1999-06-12 06:57:34
Comments: Found your web page through Grand Lodge of England site. Enjoyed the tour through Grand Lodge, and hopefully will be visiting the Emerald Isle next year.Hope to be able to sit in Lodge while there. Paul Mayner MM, Chaplain, Doric Lodge #18 Nanaimo, BC Canada

Name: Barry J Martin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: PM SoC Sirron M.L. 874. Province of Down.
Time: 1999-06-11 23:33:42
Comments: I haven't visited the site for a while, but I'm glad I have done so again now. I really enjoyed the Provincial Page, with map of Ireland etc, and the link to Munster. It's good to see such a high standard of work. Congrats to the team & keep it up. The comments from masons & visitors from around the world say it all.

Name: Campbell Lawley
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-06-09 20:46:25
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Hugh M Jackson, 673, Crumlin Road, Belfast. I would just like to say the site is great and I'm glad we have started to move with the times. The Internet is the media we need to widely promote Freemasonry. Well done. From Brother Campbell Lawley.

Name: John McCaffrey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Yahoo search
Time: 1999-06-09 10:21:14
Comments: Is there a library in Molesworth street where I can look up my Great Great Great Grandfather Bryan McCaffrey who unfortunately died during the Great Famine in 1847. He was a Grandmaster in a lodge in Irvinestown, no more information do I hold I'm afraid.

Name: Henry
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Coleraine Co. Antrim N.I.
Time: 1999-06-07 23:38:35
Comments: A great value visit, congratulations to the Presenters. I fully agree with the comments of the other visitors, from all over the world, and wish this grand lodge all the best for the future. I also say Hello to all our friends through-out the fraternity.

Name: anon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: malta
Time: 1999-06-07 15:19:38
Comments: have you forgotten irish masons in malta? we are in a limbo leaderless and disenchanted. shall we pack up as many are doing? do something about it or you will soon find that thereare no more irish masons in malta

Name: Bro. Majdi Anwar Quttainah
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Kuwait
Time: 1999-06-06 07:52:59
Comments: Dear Brethren, I great you well and fraternally from my home-land Kuwait. As I am a master mason belonging to the Grand Lodge of Ireland, I wish you all the very best of luck and hoping to meeting your acquaintances once more and especially Lodge #500. Regarding the Webb, it is very well designed and very informative. Keep up the good work of arts brethren and let the world of fremasonry spread around the globe. Fratrnal greetings, Bro. Majdi Quttainah

Name: Edward J Rea
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cork Ireland
Time: 1999-06-05 23:53:25
Comments: I have viewed this site since it was first put on the Webb, and delighted to see so many visitors from all over the world, and the best wishes they have expressed to the G L Of Ireland May it continue to grow and face the new millenium with pride. Ted Rea, Secretary Harmony Lodge 67 Cork in the Province of Munster

Name: Bro. Gary James
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Larne N.Ireland.
Time: 1999-06-04 22:59:11
Comments: Fraternal greetings from the WM,Officers,and Brethern of Magheramorne Masonic Lodge 514. I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the production of this web site as it excellently done.

Name: Keneth Britland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wirral, England
Time: 1999-06-04 20:13:23
Comments: It is a great way to meet other members. I hope to visit Larne in July.

Name: Donald L. Borchert
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hammond, Indiana USA
Time: 1999-06-04 18:28:26
Comments: Hi, Great Web Site. I am a PM of Garfield Lodge #569 located in Hammond. I am also very active in our York Rite. I just surfed in during my lunch break. I really liked the way you have the photo tour of your building. I am proud to see sites like this on the web. A return message would be appreciated. Fraternally, Don Borchert PM, KYCH

Name: David Watts
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Gauteng, South Africa
Time: 1999-06-04 06:53:09
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Achill Lodge (853 IC). I haven't gone through the whole site, and what I have seen looks very good. Congratulations . David. PM Achill Lodge, PGL D of C (SA Northern IC).

Name: Phil Price
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hillsborough 683
Time: 1999-06-02 21:00:00
Comments: To Richard and team........... Have managed to find a cybercafe in Tenerife where I have made out page known to soon of the locals, it caused quite a bit of interest but I don´t know if it will be taken up. Everyone seems to be laid back almost horizontal ! S & F Phil

Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-06-02 20:35:09
Comments: My name is Reginald W. Baston and at the present time my wife and myself are enjoying a sunny holiday in Kent. We are from Belfast and my Lodge is Lesley J. Thompson No.61 in County Down. I have already visited Crayford Lodge No.6336 in Dartford and Peace & Unity Lodge No.4101 in Gillingham, both in Kent. I am always made most welcome by the Masters and Brethren at both their stated communication and the dinner. It gave me much pleasure to bring "Fraternal Greetings" from the R.W. Provincial Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers of the R.W. Grand Provincial Lodge of Down (Irish Constitution). I have had the pleasure of visiting Kent Lodges over the last four years and other branches of the Order. My one ambition is to be in a position in the year 2000 to be able to attend the Crayford Lodge No.6336 to see a very good friend of mine, Bro. Michael Dyer, installed as Master. I send best wishes to all Brethren.

Name: Geoffrey
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Co Antrim
Time: 1999-06-02 09:21:06
Comments: A nice web page I hope to start a page up for our lodge Harmonie 282 Carrickfergus. can I contact you for help.. Geoff Carson

Name: Judith Wittingslow
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Melbourne Victoria Australia
Time: 1999-06-02 03:39:59
Comments: Just to let you know, I will be attending your 275th celebrations, next June. I am looking forward to visiting Ireland. The week preceding this message the Mark Masons have just celebrated their centenary, very impressive ceremonies Graet web site Judith

Name: Brian H. Blades
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: 27 Hill Avenue, Somerset, NJ, USA
Time: 1999-05-31 12:58:05
Comments: Brothers from Ireland, I will have the pleasure of visting Ireland from July, 26 1999 to August 4, 1999. I would sure enjoy visiting a lodge or some other masonic body (I am a member of most of them) while I am there. If you could provide a contact, perhaps I could forward my itinerary and something could be arranged. I already have the appropriate traveling documents from our Grand Secretary. I look forward to hearing from you. Brian H. Blades Past Grand Chaplain Grand Lodge F&AM of New Jersey 27 Hill Avenue Somerset, NJ 08873-3322 email: bhblades@worldnet.att.net phone: (732) 249-5052 cell: (732) 208-6919

Name: Brian L. Gibbens
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Durban South Africa
Time: 1999-05-31 05:38:23
Comments: Greetings it's good to know we can now communicate in this manner I am keen to visit Ireland soonand will definately visit

Name: Russell A. Cloud
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Phoenix, AZ USA
Time: 1999-05-31 03:42:27
Comments: Enjoyed visiting another Grand Lodgeweb page. Excellent!

Name: Adrian Tan
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Malaysia
Time: 1999-05-29 03:43:16
Comments: How can I get more information about your organisation. I've heard about this froma friend and would like to know more about it. Any possibility of me to get to know about the malaysian portion of this organisation ?

Name: Milo D. Dailey IV
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Watertown, SD, USA
Time: 1999-05-28 23:53:39
Comments: Brothers ... The Grand Lodges of South Dakota and North Dakota also celebrate in the year 2000 a 125th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Dakota Territory which then broke into two state grand lodges in 1889. As incoming WM of the S.D. Lodge Of Masonic Research (June 17-19), I am interested in our Irish Lodge counterpart. My home address is Milo D. Dailey IV 608 2nd Ave. SE Watertown, SD, 57201 USA Our Grand Lodge meeting is the above June date. --- to show how "new" we are, the first Mason in our state was Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark exploration fame, and that was 1804 when Dakota was rather unpopulated... thanks!

Name: Brian Butler
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Dartford, Kent
Time: 1999-05-28 19:47:58
Comments: We had a visitor of your constitution to Crayford Lodge 6336 at our Lodge meeting last Wed.

Name: Vernon H Moeller
Website: Personal Homepage of ...
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Austin Texas
Time: 1999-05-28 16:51:51
Comments: Very belated thanks to the brethren of the Irish Grand Lodge for finding my wife (who was expecting at the time) and me comfortable lodgings in Dublin on the night before the All-Ireland Football Match in September of 1984. Our travel agent neglected to inform us of that great event, so when we arrived in town, not a room was to be had. Knowing nary a soul in Dublin, we contacted a gentleman who my Masonic Lodge's secretary knew, and within the hour, were being ushered to a small but cozy hotel room at the outskirts of downtown Dublin. It was certainly one of the many highlights of our trip. We look forward to returning to Dublin in the next few years, and I especially look forward to visiting the Grand Lodge when I have more time than I did on our last trip.

Name: Dave Hewitt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Barrow-in-Furness
Time: 1999-05-27 21:08:40
Comments: Great web page, enjoyed all information displayed, good to see Masonry so well laid out, congratulations. Greetings from Piel Castle Lodge 6099, West Lancs

Name: Ernest Warbey
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Strood,Kent,England
Time: 1999-05-27 09:55:19
Comments: Brothers I send you warm and fraternal greetings. A Brother from Dublin attended our meeting held yesterday,16th May and we had a very interesting conversation. This is the second time I have visited your site,and I am very impressed in it's content and presentation. I will call again. Be well. PS. I would be very happy to hear from anyone. to exchange information.

Name: Ernest Warbey
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Strood,Kent,England
Time: 1999-05-27 09:55:01
Comments: Brothers I send you warm and fraternal greetings. A Brother from Dublin attended our meeting held yesterday,16th May and we had a very interesting conversation. This is the second time I have visited your site,and I am very impressed in it's content and presentation. I will call again. Be well. PS. I would be very happy to hear from anyone. to exchange information.

Name: Cathal Joseph Smyth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: London,England
Time: 1999-05-25 13:45:05
Comments: Dear Brethren, I just dropped in to have a look and thoroughly enjoyed the visit.I look forward to visiting the Irish Constitution in person and witnessing some Irish ritual. Yours sincerely and fraternally Cathal J Smyth. Yarborough Centenary 6991.English Constitution.

Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-05-23 11:15:39

Name: R.J. (Rob) Blake II
Website: Northspire
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Fort Worth, Texas
Time: 1999-05-21 22:55:46
Comments: Just thought I would investigate further Freemasonry in Ireland. As my great-great grandfather was born, raised and married in County Clare before migrating to the United States, I was curious about whether dual-membership was permitted with one lodge being in the US and the other being in Ireland. It is an intersting notion and I thought it fitting in honor of him as well as for my grandfather (for whom I was named) who was a Blue Lodge, York Rite, Scottish Rite, and member of the Shrine. I wish he'd lasted another few years to see me follow him and my father into Freemasonry.

Name: Mike Sadlier
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Cardiff
Time: 1999-05-20 21:44:32
Comments: Nice to see that I can now connect direct from South Wales Eastern Division new web site and see whats happening in my native homeland Mike Sadlier Senior Warden Juventus Lodge 8105 Prov of Sth Wales Eastern Division

Name: Mike Sadlier
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Cardiff
Time: 1999-05-20 21:43:51
Comments: Nice to see that I can now connect direct from South Wales Eastern Division new web site and see whats happening in my native homeland Mike Sadlier Senior Warden Juventus Lodge 8105 Prov of Sth Wales Eastern Division

Name: Thomas M Conway
Referred by: Xoom
From: South Windsor, Connecticut USA
Time: 1999-05-20 01:33:47
Comments: Warm and Fraternal greetings my brothers. If ever in Connecticut (USA) Feel free to contact. Thomas M. Conway A.F. & A.M. #17 Federal Watertown CT.

Name: Mark M Green
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Cape Town South Africa
Time: 1999-05-19 20:21:11
Comments: Hi I Belong to St.Patricks Lodge No.199 This site was given to me by a fellow Brother. I can't comment as I'm still browsing. Yours Fraternally Mark Green

Name: Stephen Waterman III
Referred by: Net Search
From: Littleton, Massachusetts 01460
Time: 1999-05-19 16:19:10
Comments: My wife and I will be visiting Ireland with a tour group, The Retired Officers Association, from 6/6/99 to 6/19/99. We have never visited before and are looking forward to the trip with great excitement. My home lodge is Morningstar Lodge #17, Wolfeboro, NH. I am three times Past Master of DeWitt Clinton Lodge #15, Northfield, VT. I am currently a visitor to Tahattawan Lodge in Littleton, MA.

Name: Bro. Dan Scherr
Website: Most Worshipful Eureka Grand Lodge
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Dayton, Ohio USA
Time: 1999-05-17 23:06:44
Comments: I was just going through the web looking for international Grand Lodges to add to our international link page. You have a very nice site. Please come and visit us at http://www.eurekagrandlodge.org. Fraternally Yours, Bro. Dan Scherr

Name: David J Law
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Belfast
Time: 1999-05-16 23:57:57
Comments: Congratulations to Phil and the team on a very professional setup.I thoroughly enjoyed browsing through the site. At long last Freemasonry has been dragged into the 20th Century and, hopefully, will be more able to meet the challenges of the 21st ! May I take this opportunity to extend fraternal greetings and congratulations from the Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of Felicitas Masonic Lodge No.760 in the Province of Down. In closing, I would welcome correspondence by e.mail from overseas brethren.

Name: Marcelo B da Silveira
Referred by: Geocities
From: Brazil
Time: 1999-05-16 13:05:21
Comments: I would Like to know more information about freemasons and if possible be in a meeting because in Brasil we have got a Blanc Meeting.

Name: Brian Hayes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Jersey, Channel Islands
Time: 1999-05-15 23:21:49
Comments: Fraternal greetings from Royal Sussex Lodge 491 in the province of Jersey. As someone born and bred in Dublin, it is very pleasing to see the Irish presence on the Web.

Name: Malcolm Gauld
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Aberdeen, Scotland
Time: 1999-05-15 23:11:12
Comments: Excellent web site. Fraternal greetings from Lodge No. 319 St Machar, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Name: Roger Schwartz
Referred by: Lycos
From: Edgware, London
Time: 1999-05-15 20:12:35
Comments: Very pleased to have visited your site. As W.M. of Waterways Lodge No. 7913, London I send you our fraternal greetings. We are an enthusiastic lodge and I am very proud, in my year, to have initiated my two sons - a double Lewis in the presence of a visiting Grand Officer. I would always be glad to hear from you and your members. Best wishes to you all, W. Bro. Roger Schwartz

Name: Dennis Campbell
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Liverpool
Time: 1999-05-15 16:44:00
Comments: How can I get to the Cork Home page.

Name: Bro. F. W. David Elkin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-05-13 12:22:01
Comments: I am secretary and a past master of Ozias Lodge #508 Grand Register of Canada in the Province of Ontario, and while surfing several Masonic websites I came across your's. It is a great site and I hope to visit it often. Fraternal greetings from Ozias Lodge to all our brethren in Ireland - Dave Elkin.

Name: Herbert Knowles
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-13 11:36:27
Comments: I am a member of the Order and I am very happy to be. I just wish I had known about it sooner.I would urge other brethren to spread the good news abroad as we do not have the right to keep such a wonderful Brotherhood to ourselves

Name: Wor. Bro. Ken Giffin
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Goldboro Nova Scotia, Canada
Time: 1999-05-12 21:39:14
Comments: I bring greetings from my mother lodge Stormont #96 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia in Isaac's Harbour. We meet on the first Friday of every month and if you have the opportunity to be in this part of the world you are more than welcome to join us. I am quite impressed with your web site, you have done an excellent job. Keep up the good work. Fraternally yours Ken Giffin

Name: Alan Wyer
Referred by: Net Search
From: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Time: 1999-05-11 20:11:22
Comments: A clear concise and straightforward site. A pleasure to view. Also it is nice to see one good thing uniting Ireland. Fraternal greetings from all at Quarry Lodge, No.7543.Worcestershire, U.G.L.E.

Name: Jeff Evans PM
Referred by: From a Friend
Time: 1999-05-10 19:46:01
Comments: To all Brethren throughout the world, fraternal greetings from Clara Lodge, No. 288, Roodepoort, South Africa. Looking forward to visiting the Grand Lodge, Dublin, in October/November of this year.

Name: W.Bro J M Hendy
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, England
Time: 1999-05-09 20:54:46
Comments: I was interested to hear about this site from the UK-Mason List I have several cousins in, I believe Midland Counties - may be Athy Lodge No 167 or Unity No 116 and I would very much like to contact them Does anyone recognise the name of Rainford Hendy of Timolin If so please contact me privately at Mikehendy@cwcom.net

Name: preston bemis
Referred by: From a Friend
From: usa
Time: 1999-05-09 20:52:48
Comments: Very well done website! I am a founding member of Morakot Lodge No. 945 (IC) as well as several other lodges. Keep up the good work!

Name: Robert Carter PM
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: St. Peters, Missouri USA
Time: 1999-05-09 19:53:22
Comments: Very informative web page. Wish that I could visit one of your lodges Bro. Bob PM

Name: Paul Trusten
Website: Pharmacist Paul Robert Trusten's Home Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Leeds MA USA
Time: 1999-05-09 19:04:14
Comments: Greetings from Western Massachusetts, USA. Thanks to Bro. Phil Price of Hillsborough Lodge No. 683 for greeting me on AOL and pointing me to this superb Grand Lodge site. I am a member of Monument Lodge No. 96, AF&AM of Houlton, Maine, USA, and look forward to visiting the island of Ireland one day.

Name: philip moore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: scotland/stranraer
Time: 1999-05-09 16:00:54
Comments: I thought this was a well designed and imformative site, and interesting. keep up the good work

Name: Clarence Engler
Website: Mitchell Lodge #296
Referred by: Geocities
From: Levittown,Pa.
Time: 1999-05-08 02:45:31
Comments: I went through your web site and found it very interesting .Keep up the good work

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-07 22:37:26
Comments: Fraternal greetings to all my masonic brothers in Ireland from me and the brothers of My Mother Lodge BEITH St JOHN 157.

Name: Barry J Martin. P.M. SOC.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lisburn. N.I. Ldge No.874
Time: 1999-05-07 20:16:13
Comments: I really enjoyed Volume 1 of the guest book. Some of the comments were most encouraging and it is great to see that Freemasonry is so well accepted on the net, and across the world. My thanks go to those involved, and I trust Vol.2 and the site in general will go from strength to strength.

Name: Ray Creamer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ireland
Time: 1999-05-06 17:33:24
Comments: Congratulations, an excellent site. I have been searching for an intelligent and informative site regarding freemasonry for some time. The information on applying to join your brotherhood is invaluable. Thank you.

Referred by: Net Search
Time: 1999-05-06 15:36:19

Name: Harvey Burgess
Website: St. Andrew Lodge 702
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Charlotte, N.C., USA
Time: 1999-05-06 07:54:27
Comments: Perhaps the most informative, colorful and all-encompassing Grand Lodge site I have seen to date! Fantastic!

Name: Brian Murphy
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Bozeman, MT
Time: 1999-05-03 20:04:06
Comments: Fraternal Greetings from "out west". As you can see from my name, I am decended from Irish ancestery. I would like search the depth of which Masonry goes back in my family tree. Does anyone have any ideas how this might be accomplished? I can provide the names and approximate dates of birth. I know for certain that I am a 4th generation Mason. Any information you can provide is appreciated. Lux ex Tenebris Bro. Brian Murphy

Name: Bill Clarke
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-05-02 19:26:07
Comments: Thought it was about time I signed the Guest Book as we are now starting Vol. # 2. The site goes from strength to strength.

Name: Richard H Gray
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ireland
Time: 1999-05-02 17:30:06
Comments: This is the first entry in Volume Two of the Guest Book. Please see the Web Site for the contents of Volume One
Record 246
Name: James McWha
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Palmerston North, New ZealandTime: 2000-03-03 23:34:02
Comments: Hi Richard. Great page - it obviously keeps the web-master busy. Regards from Lindsay and me.