Duke of Leinster Lodge No. 363
Irish Constitution

Date of Warrant - 7th November 1855


meets at Illingworth Masonic Hall, Goodwood, South Australia



Illingworth Masonic Hall, 
Hampton Street South, Goodwood, Adelaide
the Lodge's new home, from mid 2002

Lodge information:

The Lodge meets on the first Tuesday of each month at Illingworth Masonic Hall, Hampton Street South, GOODWOOD, South Australia. Stated Communications usually commence at 7.15 pm. 

Illingworth Hall phone number (for emergencies):  (08) 8373 1285

Master - I. Zambo
Secretary: - R. Num 
PO Box 390, BURNSIDE, South Australia 5066
email: Leinster363@gmail.com

The Lodge is unique in South Australia.  As a constituent Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Ireland the Irish Ritual is used.  This is the only Australian lodge still holding allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Friendly relationships are maintained with Lodges and members of the sister Constitution of South Australia.


Lodge History:

Duke of Leinster Lodge #363 first met on Tuesday 4 March 1856 under Warrant dated 7 November 1855 from the Grand Lodge of Ireland and signed by the MW Grand Master, the 3rd Duke of Leinster.  Richard McClure was foundation Master.  Other leading early members were William Fiveash, JT Bagot, JP Boucaut and WN Crowder.

The first meeting was held at Robert Ramsay's Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel in King William Street, Adelaide.  The Lodge met at the Freemasons Tavern in Pirie Street for 10 years from 1857, and in 1867 moved to purpose built Masonic accommodation at the Alfred Masonic Hall in Waymouth Street.  The Lodge continued at the Alfred Masonic Hall until 1970, then met at Edwardstown 1970 - 2002, finally moving to Illingworth Masonic Hall in Goodwood.  

Alone of all the Irish Constitution lodges, Duke of Leinster Lodge retained its allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Ireland on the formation of the new Grand Lodge of South Australia in 1884. 

The Lodge celebrated 150 years of working in March 2006. 



Richard McClure, first W.M.

Irish Freemasonry in South Australia

Within a few years following the formation of the Duke of Leinster Lodge nine other Irish Constitution lodges were formed in South Australia. 

  • Perseverance No. 406 first met at Salisbury in 1859.  Dormant by 1865
  • East Torrens Lodge of Faith No. 408 first met in 1860 with James Penn Boucaut as first Master at the Bath Hotel, Norwood, later at the Maid and Magpie Hotel, Stepney before moving to Masonic accommodation.  In 1884 became the Lodge of Faith No. 9, SAC.  Now part of Lodge Pentalpha 171 SAC.
  • Lodge of Light No. 410 met for its first 20 years in the Sir John Franklin Hotel, Kapunda.  The first meeting was in 1860.  Now No. 11 SAC.
  • Corinthian Lodge No. 412 met in Goolwa 1868-72.  Revived as No. 34 SAC in 1884 and still working.
  • Penola No. 415 worked for 10 years from 1869.  Dormant by 1881.  Richard McClure was first Master.
  • Lodge of St John No. 416 first met in 1870 at Auburn.  In 1884 it became No.17 SAC.  Ceased working 1896
  • Mostyn No. 455.  Founded in 1871 with William Barlow as first Master.  Became No. 18 SAC in 1884.  Still working, as Mostyn Goodwood and Loyalty Lodge No. 18 SAC.
  • Kincraig Lodge No. 457 met in Kincraig adjacent to Naracoorte between 1875 and 1881. 

  • Wooroora Lodge No. 461 (now No. 21 SAC) has met in Riverton since 1878. 

    The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland, South Australia, first met 18 April 1860 with John Tuthill Bagot as Provincial Grand Master. It last met 5 June 1888.  The second and final Provincial Grand Master (W J Crawford) died 20 January 1896.

    Reference book:
    "One Hundred and Twenty-five Years of Irish Freemasonry in South Australia" by VW Bro AM Cam.

Irish Lodges and the development of Freemasonry in Australia:

"The Irish Connection" - a brief Australian Masonic History by the late W Bro Ron Cook tells how Australian Freemasonry commenced with the military lodges holding travelling Warrants from the Grand Lodge of Ireland.      CLICK HERE for a more detailed article.

Eight Irish lodges were formed in the Ballarat Goldfields region commencing with Buninyong Lodge in 1858. Here is a list.  

Freemasonry in New Zealand was founded from Australia.   The oldest Lodge in NZ, Lodge Ara #348, continues to operate under the Grand Lodge of Ireland, in the Provincial Grand Lodge of New Zealand


Royal Arch Chapter:

Associated with the Lodge is the Duke of Leinster Royal Arch Chapter and Mark Master Masons Lodge #363, meeting at Illingworth Masonic Hall, Goodwood SA on the third Wednesday of each month (the Mark in odd months and Chapter in even months).  The Chapter has met since October 1856. 

In Sydney there is another Irish Chapter - Leinster Marine Royal Arch Chapter No. 266, meeting in even months -  4th Tuesdays 7.30pm Feb, June, Aug, Oct - 2nd Sat 10am April  - at Duntroon Street, Hurlstone Park,  NSW.


Knight Masons:

Nebuchadnezzar Council No. 85 meets in Launceston, Tasmania.

Esdras Council No.90 meets in Williamstown, Melbourne

Duke of Leinster Council No. 93 meets in Adelaide
web site:  http://dol-km.blogspot.com/

Ecbatana Council No. 94 meets in Ringwood, Melbourne

Leinster Marine Council No. 95 meets in Sydney



site updated February 2013