The General Assembly of the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland
has adopted the following declaration with respect to Feminine
Freemasonry in Switzerland as of 6th June 2009.
In Consideration of the following Conclusions
- For quite a period of time and parallel to the GLSA,
other Masonic organizations exist in Switzerland which do
not work in a regular manner in line with the wording of our
- As far as we can ascertain, apart from the fact that
they admit women, feminine lodges practice a standard which
would be close to the regularity according to the GLSA
- The existence of these organizations has been documented
by the GLSA, e.g. in articles about feminine freemasonry in
the “Handbuch des Freimaurers”, published in 1999, as well
as in articles on feminine freemasonry on the GLSA website.
- At various locations in Switzerland, collaboration has
been established at Lodge level in the fields of charity,
conferences as well as public events and for the mutual use
of infrastructure.
The Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland resolves as follows
- It acknowledges
the existence of feminine freemasonry in Switzerland, with
which however it does not have any formal relations, and
with which visiting and the exchange of friendship
ambassadors are excluded.
- It supports
regular and informal contacts between GLSA and the Women’s
Grand Lodge of Switzerland at the Executive Grand Lodge
level and considers these to have a positive impact on
freemansonry in Switzerland.
- It is open as to
non-ritual contacts between GLSA lodges and
feminine lodges for the purpose of collaboration in social,
humanitarian, cultural and other reasonable fields.