Here you will find the latest news from the Order of the Secret Monitor, or Brotherhood of David and Jonathon in the British Isles and its Districts and Conclaves Overseas. Click on the news item title to see the full story.

Please Note: The Premier Conclave of Improvement page is located by clicking on the ‘Drop down’ of Conclave 123.

News Posted: News Item:
30/11/09 Scarlet Cord Conclave No 500
20/11/09 M Wy Bro Peter Glyn Williams
20/11/09 Scarlet Cord – Important News
20/11/09 Most Worthy Brother Michael William Guest, Grand Supreme Ruler
28/08/09 Parcels of Care - A Thank You
05/08/09 Parcels of Care - Afghanistan
13/05/09 Scarlet Cord Conclave of Derbyshire No 534
23/02/09 Scarlet Cord in the United States of America
20/01/09 Scarlet Cord Conclave No 500 has a super day at Oxford!