R W Bro. Prof. Guy Charlesworth
District Grand Master
Initiated in Amiantos Lodge No. 8288 on 13th June 1970
Joined Denver Lodge No. 3167 on 20th May 1983
Joined District Grand Stewards Lodge No. 8192 on 12th September 1989
Made an Honorary Member of Clifton Lodge No. 2748 on 10th November 2003
Made an Honorary Member of Lyceum Lodge of Research on 15th June 2011
Made an Honorary Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 3602 on 13th September 2013
Has held the following District Appointments:
1987 Past District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
1988 District Grand Steward
1990 District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
1994-1996 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
1996-1999 District Grand Director of Ceremonies
1999-2004 Assistant District Grand Master
2004-2009 Deputy District Grand Master
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
1998 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
2001 Past Junior Grand Deacon
2005 Past Grand Sword Bearer
2010 District Grand Master
He is the Provincial Prior of the Knights Templar
And Inspector General of the Rose Coix District of S A North West

V W Bro. David Whitfield
Deputy District Grand Master
Initiated in First Pride Lodge No. 8447 on 9th February 1983
Joined Isando Lodge No. 8955 on 25th February 1985
Joined Verona Lodge No. 8187 on 11th October 1999
Has held the following District Appointments
1992 District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
1999-2004 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
2004 District Senior Grand Warden
2006-2007 Assistant District Grand Master
2010-2012 Assistant District Grand Master
2013- Deputy District Grand Master
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2006 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
2011 Past Junior Grand Deacon
2014 Past Grand Sword Bearer
He is the Intendant-General of the Red Cross of Constantine
The Grand Superintendent of the Knights Templar Priest
And Inspector General of the Rose Croix District Of S A North East

W Bro. Chris van Gaalen
Assistant District Grand Master
Initiated in The Ionic Lodge No. 3235 on 17th August 1995
Joined District Grand Stewards Lodge No. 8192 on 8th August 2006
Joined Germiston Lodge No. 2498 on 18th May 2011
Joined Lyceum Lodge of Research No. 8682 on 15th June 2011
Joined President Lodge No. 8053 on 15th October 2011
Made Honorary in Vereeniging Peace Lodge No. 3461 on 4th September 2014
Has held the following District Appointments
2004 District Grand Steward
2005 District Assistant Director of Ceremonies
2006-2008 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
2009-2010 District Grand Director of Ceremonies
2011- Assistant District Grand Master
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2010 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
2012 Past Junior Grand Deacon

W Bro. Graeme Mackenzie
Assistant District Grand Master
Initiated in Maybury Lodge No. 969 on 16th November 1990
Joined Kosmos Lodge No. 2768 on 8th November 2001
Joined Arcadia Lodge No. 7149 on 13th May 2009
Has held the following District Appointments
2005 Past District Assistant Director of Ceremonies
2006 District Assistant Director of Ceremonies
2007-2010 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
2011-2012 District Grand Director of Ceremonies
2013- Assistant District Grand Master
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2013 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies

W Bro. Brian McDermott
Assistant District Grand Master
Initiated in United Services Lodge No. 2967 on 12th June 1989
Joined District Grand Stewards Lodge No. 8192 on 8th February 2000
Made an Honorary Member of Premier Diamond Lodge No. 3172 on 20th November 2003
Joined Hartebeestpoort Lodge No. 8545 on 5th December 2005
Joined Corinthian Lodge No. 7251 on 6th February 2008
Joined Arcadia Lodge No. 7149 on 18th February 2009
Made an Honorary Member of Corinthian Lodge No. 7251 on 6th April 2011
Joined Golden West Lodge No. 6689 on 1st April 2014
Has held the following District Appointments
1998 District Grand Steward
1999 District Assistant Director of Ceremonies
2000 District Grand Pursweve
2001-2003 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
2004-2005 District Grand Director of Ceremonies
2006 District Senior Grand Warden
2013- Assistant District Grand Master
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2006 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
2014 Past Junior Grand Deacon

W Bro. Bernie Krone
Assistant District Grand Master
Initiated in Corona Lodge No. 2731 on 1st February 1995
Joined Universal Friendship Lodge No. 9042 on 18th May 2009
Joined President Lodge No. 8053 on 15th October 2011
Joined Transvaal District Grand Stewards Lodge No. 8192 on 5th November 2013
Has held the following District Appointments
2005 District Grand Steward
2008 Past District Senior Grand Deacon
2012 District Senior Grand Warden
2014- Assistant District Grand Master
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2014 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies