E Comp. Prof. Guy Charlesworth
Grand Superintendent
Exalted in Chapter of Israel No. 3170 on 5th July 1972
Joined Denver Chapter No. 3167 on 25th July 1983
Joined First Pride Chapter No. 8447 on 22nd March 1989
Has held the following District Appointments:
1993 District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
1997 Past District Grand Sojourner
2001 Past District Grand Scribe Nehemiah
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2003 Past Grand Standard Bearer
2010- Grand Superintendent

E Comp. Tim Smith
Deputy Grand Superintendent
Exalted in Fairview Chapter No. 3010 on 15th October 1986
Has held the following District Appointments:
2001 District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
2005-2006 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
2007-2012 District Grand Director of Ceremonies
2013 3rd District Grand Principal
2014 Deputy Grand Xuperintendent
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2009 Past Grand Standard Bearer

E Comp. David Gamble
2nd District Grand Principal
Exalted in Royal George Chapter No. 2643 on 17th September 1987
Has held the following District Appointments:
2000 District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
2002-2005 District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies
2005-2007 District Grand Director of Ceremonies
2007-2009 Assistant to the District Grand Principal
2014 2nd District Grand Principal
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2007 Past Grand Standard Bearer

E Comp. Howard Freeman
3rd District Grand Principal
Exalted in Transvaal Jubilee Chapter No. 6143 on 13th December 1984
Honorary Member of South Africa, North First Principal's Chapter
Has held the following District Appointments:
1995 Past District Grand Standard Bearer
2000 District 2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner
2007 District Grand Scribe Nehemiah
2014 3rd District Grand Principal
Has had the following Grand Ranks conferred on him
2010 Past Grand Standard Bearer

E Comp. Colin Robinson
Assistant to the District Grand Principals
Exalted in Appolo Chapter No. 3437 on 18th May 1990
Joined Denver Chapter on 24th August 2010
Has held the following District Appointments:
2003 Past District Grand Standard Bearer
2010 Past District Grand Sojourner
2014 Assistant to the District Grand Principal