Consecrated 16th November 1905
Meeting at: Boksburg North - Masonic Centre, 52 4th Str. off 6th Ave
Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday (Ex Dec) Inst Nov
Contact (011) 425 5498
Lodge History

The first records of the Lodge have been lost but it is clear that the early members were mainly drawn from the gold mines which were well established in the area prior to Benoni being proclaimed as a township in 1907.
The original masonic hall (of uncertain location) was replaced by a new hall in Ampthill Avenue, built jointly with Benoni Kilwinning Lodge No 903 SC, which was consecrated in 1921.
A characteristic of the early years of the Lodge was the remarkable loyalty of some members. Thus the second Master, and first Grand Officer, W Bro T Bertram is known to have attended every Installation for 50 years. Three others who attained Grand honours, C D Miller (WM 1929/30), Otto Dengler (WM 1930/1 and 1942/3) and Percy Dyer (WM 1943/4) all had exceptional records of service to the Lodge, the last named being its Secretary for thirty years.
In 1981 the masonic hall was sold to the Mine Employees Pension Fund and the joint owners, in conjunction with the seven tenant lodges, agreed to support the acquisition of a site for a new masonic centre, as a home for the nine lodges and for bodies working the additional degrees. And so forty acres of land were purchased in Rynfield and building of the new centre commenced in 1982. It soon became clear, however, that the centre would cost far more than originally estimated and a loan of R200 000 had to be raised, which it was hoped could be repaid through the development of a cottage scheme. But this proved impracticable, and ongoing fund raising has been a severe burden for the nine lodges, which hopefully will be lessened through the sale of part of the property.
The membership of Benoni Lodge declined sharply between 1981 and 1993, which may in part be attributed to the disruption caused by the move to temporary venues from 1981 to 1984, and the subsequent financial pressures. However, the Lodge is active, with candidates coming forward, and looks to have a sound future.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler