Boksburg St John Lodge No. 8642
Consecrated 29th May 1975
Meeting at: Boksburg South - Central East Rand Temple, 66 Jubilee Rd
Meeting Dates: 4th Wednesday (Ex Dec) Inst June
Contact 083 715 6098
Lodge History

Towards the end of 1974 the members of Boksburg Lodge No 2480 decided it was time to promote a daughter lodge and within a few months a warrant had been obtained and Boksburg St John Lodge was consecrated. In his oration the Consecrating Chaplain, W Bro the Revd Canon Eric Richardson wondered whether the 'St. John' was 'the Baptist' or 'the Evangelist' and this question was raised again by the Lyceum Lodge of Research, when asked to design a suitable banner. From the answer it was adjudged that the name 'St. John' was used in the same sense as in the late 17th and 18th centuries, when English masons were called 'St. John's Men' or 'St. John's masons' and masonic festivals were held on the two Saints' days June 24 for the one and December 27 for the other. So the banner bears the symbols of both: a camel hair garment, a cross and a lamb for St. John the Baptist and an open book, a serpent and an eagle for St. John the Evangelist.
The Lodge made good progress in its first ten years, with the membership reaching 60 by the mid eighties. The educational side has not been neglected and considerable emphasis has been placed on social activities, while the ladies have helped by providing 'better than average' festive boards. In recent years there has been some loss of membership, due partly to retirements and transfers, but hopefully the earlier momentum is being regained.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler