Consecrated 18th November 1907
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 1st Wednesday (ex Jan, July), Inst Sep
Contact 072 798 5948
Lodge History

The Charter Master, W Bro J Emrys Evans was the financial adviser to the British Government in the Transvaal after the South African war, and was awarded the CMG for his services. His masonic standing was that of President of the Board of General Purposes and it is interesting to note that his ten cofounders were drawn from as many different lodges, including four from outside the Transvaal. In retrospect this seems to imply selectivity and the choice of the first meeting place - the Church Hall at Langlaagte - was also 'something different'. It may be that the clue resides in the Lodge's Welsh motto - 'gwell clod na golud' - which translates as 'better renown than riches', but sadly all the early Lodge records have been lost. However, it is known that Emrys, after a fairly busy start, went through some lean periods, followed by a burst of activity after the Second World War. In 1913 it moved to Plein Street, and then followed the 'District route' via Claim Street and Kerk Street to Freemasons' Hall in Parktown. And while there has been some loss of membership since 'peak days', the Lodge is now maintaining an even course.
Notable members have included the District's fifth District Grand Master, RW Bro C Maple Polmear, who joined Emrys shortly after it was formed and was its Master in 1910/1 and 1926/7;W Bro W Moister, Editor of the Masonic Journal of South Afirica for many years; and W Bro Cliff Bartle, a member of Emrys from 1928 until his death in 1983, and a true pillar of the Lodge.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler