Consecrated 14th May 1976
Meeting at: Boksburg North - Masonic Centre, 52 4th Str. off 6th Ave
Meeting Dates: 1st Friday Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec Inst Jun
Contact 083 309 5054
Lodge History

In the middle 1970s candidates for Freemasonry were coming forward in good numbers in Benoni, and in addition there were a number of unattached brethren seeking a masonic home. However it was felt that any new lodge should have a distinctive character, so the founders of Lodge of Emulation decided that - in addition to the emphasis on good ritual implicit in the name – the lodge should be a dining lodge, meeting at about 5.30 pm at the masonic hall in Benoni and holding its festive board at the Benoni Country Club.
With twenty founders the Lodge was off to a good start, and it did not baulk at quite considerable financial commitments, which included furnishing a room at the Masonic Haven, contributing its quota to the Heritage Fund and shortly after consecration, facing a commitment to contribute R9 000 to the Benoni Masonic Centre Building Fund.
The Lodge has had three meeting places: first at the old masonic hall in Benoni, then from 1981 at Boksburg North while the new masonic centre was being built and finally from December 1984 at the new centre. Steady progress in membership has brought the strength to around thirty.
The Charter Master, W Bro Albert Spencer, earned promotion to the rank of Assistant District Grand Master in 1986, attaining Grand rank a year later. He was promoted to Past Senior Grand Deacon in 1993 and in 1994, RW Bro Fotinakis appointed him as his Deputy.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler