Consecrated 17th October 1960
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 3rd Monday Jan,March,May,July, Sep,Nov Inst Nov
Contact 082 491 9036
Lodge History

The formation of Fraternity Lodge flowed from a strong desire of W Bro Jerry Idelson, PDSGW, to supplement his mother lodge, Bohemian (qv) - which met in the afternoons - by an evening lodge equally committed to true fellowship as between one brother and another. The founders included very senior brethren of three Constitutions and they helped to give the lodge a sound foundation.
However, Fraternity ran into problems when a dearth of active members was caused by the mass emigration of brethren who were doctors, lawyers, accountants and other professionals who sought pastures new. So great was the problem that in one short period the lodge lost 26 members in this category, to which must be added losses through death, religious qualms and, to a lesser extent, apathy. Fraternity Lodge owes a debt of survival to the indomitable and untiring efforts of dedicated brethren such as W Bros Ted Saffer, Cyril Metcalfe, Cliff Armstrong, Des Watt and Chris Sanderson, whose efforts to keep the lodge going never faltered.
Special mention must be made of the magnificent support the lodge received from its mother lodge, Bohemian, where W Bro Bernie Abrolat and his 'merry men' rendered continual active support when it was most needed. And so Fraternity is back on an even keel and is set to re establish the solid foundation of its earlier days.
Bro Ted Saffer served the District for nine years as DG Superintendent of Works and attained Grand rank. Bro Cyril Metcalfe, after 50 years of active service to the Craft, received the District Grand Master's certificate of service in 1986.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler