Consecrated 22nd July 1987
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 4th Wed, Jan, Mar May, July, Sept, Nov Inst Jul
Contact 072 265 1151
Lodge History

Two brethren living at the Golden Harvest retirement village hit on the idea of having a 'morning' lodge, mainly for retired brethren. The idea found strong support, 18 brethren signed the petition and the lodge was consecrated at the Woodlands Masonic Hall on 22 July 1987. The primary intention was to provide the opportunity for brethren who, for any reason whatsoever, prefer to attend morning meetings. Prospective candidates who, in retirement, wish to enter Freemasonry, can be catered for and there is the opportunity for 'long service' brethren who have not previously been able to progress to the chair to do so.
The motto of the lodge is: 'absit invidia', spoken by the Master , and the response is: 'let there be no ill will'.
The lodge programme has been largely directed towards the presentation of talks (including tapes and videos) of masonic interest and the meetings are characterised by a distinct warmth of fellowship. For several years the lodge ladies provided the festive board and were in turn entertained at regular lodge lunches. The membership has more than doubled since consecration and includes brethren from all five Constitutions working in the Transvaal. The lodge, which currently meets at Park Lane, has its own Royal Arch Chapter, consecrated in 1992, and the Golden Harvest Mark Lodge came into existence later in the same year.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler