Lyceum Lodge of Research No. 6948
Consecrated 24th February 1950
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 3rd Wednesday Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Nov Inst Nov
Contact 082 318 7891
Please also visit the Lodge's web site
Lodge History

The 1971 Commission of Enquiry issued an interim report in November of that year which recommended that 'consideration should immediately be given to the formation of a Lodge of Research so District had good cause to welcome the initiative taken, a few years later, by a number of brethren - largely of Gold Fields Lodge - who followed up the very successful production of an 18th century working with a series of meeting leading to a decision to form a research lodge, sponsored by Gold Fields.
So the lodge was consecrated, with Manfred Hermer as its Charter Master, and it has firmly pursued the twin causes of masonic research and education research, through the production of original papers, and education through lecturing and the production, every two years or so, of masonic plays or early or unusual workings. The festive board - as originally decided - has been 'a place of decorous yet lively conviviality', with strong echoes of the 18th century. A correspondence circle was formed in 1979 and the lodge's transactions are now issued annually.
The lodge has worked conscientiously and up to the end of 1993, its members and guest speakers had provided some 95 papers, 7 plays had been presented and many lectures were given in lodges of all constitutions. Distinguished lecturers from overseas have included Colin Dyer, Sir James Stubbs, Canon Tydeman, Will Read, Cyril Bathain and Sir Lionel Brett (this last being the first official presentation of a Prestonian lecture in the Transvaal). Of Lyceum's own members, the late George KendAll was an outstanding researcher, and had two papers published in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. Then one must refer to Douglas Vieler, who became a full member of Quatuor Coronati Lodge in 1984, and was Master in 1991/2; he has had four papers published in AQC and has presented these and others in Lyceum. If one adds Manfred Hermer and Rod Grosskopff for special mention, this is not to deny credit to others, including Frank Stock for his dedicated work as play producer and lecturer.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler