Consecrated 11th March 1991
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Masonic Centre, 75 Thirteenth Street, Orange Grove
Meeting Dates: 3rd Friday Jan, Mar, May July, Sept, Nov Inst Mar
Contact 083 601 2341
Lodge History

As its name implies, the lodge was formed to attract members from the seagoing fraternity, whether of the navy or the merchant navy. There were 21 founders but within two years the membership had increased to 36 reflecting a satisfactory inflow of candidates and joining members.
The lodge formally met at Modderfontein but, because of numbers attending, has held its annual Installation at Kensington Masonic Hall. It now meets at the Masonic Centre in Orange Grove. Its active membership includes some very senior District Officers, such as its second Master, W Bro George Grobler, PDepGSwdB (Eng), Past ADGM and a lot of hard work has gone into giving the lodge a good start.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler