Consecrated 29th June 1912
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday ex Dec Inst Mar
Contact 072 428 9004
Lodge History

The name was taken from the fabulous Egyptian bird which burnt itself to ashes and rose in a new life. It was probably chosen because the Charter Master came from Phoenix Lodge No 1860 at Simonstown. The Lodge was consecrated in the schoolroom at the dynamite factory, Modderfontein - the first of seven meeting places made available, over the years, on the area of the factory. The even progress of the Lodge has been marred by two strikes, the first in January 1914, when Phoenix could not meet, and the second (coupled with a worldwide depression) in 1922/3, when Lodge attendance fell drastically and it barely survived. In earlier days the Lodge was largely dependent on recruitment from African Explosives staff but over the years the basis of membership has been considerably widened. Nevertheless Modderfontein has been a 'home from home' for its members and overall the lodge has made sound and steady progress there.
Distinguished members of the Lodge have included three Grand officers. W Bro Revd E W Reeves took Holy Orders after 40 years in commercial life and his service to his church, for five years, without remuneration, bears testimony to his dedication. As Priest in Charge of St Mary's Cathedral he endeared himself to his parishioners and as a very active Freemason (twice in the chair of Phoenix and a founder of Hesperia Lodge No 6948) was 'one of the most beloved and respected of masons in the Transvaal' (The Masonic Journal of South Aftica, March 1959) and so he was sadly missed after his departure to Southern Rhodesia in 1959.
Next W Bro Jack Cowell has been a stalwart of the Lodge for over forty years and a strong supporter of the District, in which he was promoted to District Senior Grand Warden in 1980/1; and the other strong supporter of the Lodge and the District to received Grand honours is W Bro Ray Hulley, District Junior Grand Warden in 1989/90.
The seventh 'home' for the Lodge at Modderfontein was rededicated as a masonic hall on November 24 1990. It was provided through the generosity of African Explosives, coupled with a great effort by members of the Lodge, and Phoenix is confident of its future.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler