Consecrated 28th April 1945
Meeting at: Pretoria - Masonic Centre, Jukskei Ave., The Willows
Meeting Dates: 2nd Wednesday (ex July, Dec) Inst Apr
Contact (012) 460 1786
Lodge History

The founders in the Golden Jubilee year of the District - included Dr. Francois Hauptfleisch and General J J Pienaar. Francois Hauptfleisch's considerable contribution to Freemasonry is recorded under his mother lodge, The United Services No 2967 and in chapter 18. Another distinguished member of Pretoria Lodge was Henry Bronkhorst, who attained Grand rank in both the Craft and Royal Arch, and rose to Second District Grand Principal in the latter.
An early incident of interest (recorded in 'Centenary') occurred at an emergency meeting in 1945, when the candidate was so deaf that he was asked to read his Obligation aloud.
The lodge met at Beatrix Street from 1945 until the premises were sold, and subsequently moved to the Masonic Centre at the Willows.
From 105 members in 1957, the lodge dropped to 44 in 1993. But during the same period three lodges were added to the previous three in Pretoria, perhaps without any overall increase in available candidates and 44 could well be a better size than 105.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler