Consecrated 9th November 1968
Meeting at: Rustenburg - Masonic Hall, Ju-Bar House 98 Thabo Mbeki Street
Meeting Dates: 1st Thursday (ex Jan) 1st Sat Nov Inst Nov
Contact 082 576 7181
Lodge History

The development of platinum mines in the vicinity of Rustenburg led to a large influx of population into the area, including a number of English freemasons There had been a Netherlandic (later South African) lodge in Rustenburg for many years but the 'immigrants' felt that there was room for a new English Constitution lodge. The 15 brethren who signed the petition included W Bro D H R le Helloco, a Grand officer of the Springs Lodge, who had moved to Rustenburg. This was to be the 100th lodge in the District an important milestone achieved 90 years after the consecration of the first English lodge in the Transvaal
The lodge has had three meeting places and is currently a sub tenant of Lodge Orange, No 12, GLSA, the ultimate owner being a senior officer of that Constitution
The lodge - to quote its summarised history - has 'prospered on an even keel throughout'. The ladies have always been involved and fund raising has beer directed both to responding to District appeals (including the sponsoring of the 'Ie Helloco' room at the Masonic Haven in Pretoria) and to supporting local charities
An unusual feature of the lodge history was the acceptance of a blind candidate in 1970. He was provided with a ritual in Braille, which he used to good effect prior to emigrating to New Zealand.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler