Consecrated 13th February 1954
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 1st Wednesday (ex Jan, Apr, July, Oct) Inst Mar
Contact 082 416 7785
Lodge History

Bro J T Allan, a consulting engineer, while in London, attended a meeting of the Imperial College of Engineers. He thoroughly enjoyed the meeting where like minds discussed matters of common interest and it gave him the idea that there could be great value in having a Lodge where matters of masonic interest could be studied and freely discussed amongst the brethren. On his return to South Africa he raised the possibility with a number of brethren.
The original idea was that it should be a lodge where the members would be graduates from the Universities and Technical Colleges and would wear their academic gowns at lodge meetings. This last thought was not acceptable to the District but the founders went ahead, and the Lodge was consecrated by RW Bro Major General Sir Allan Adair, the Assistant Grand Master.
In the beginning the Lodge met at the University of the Witwatersrand but in the 1970s it became clear that the venue was not suitable and the Lodge moved to Freemasons' Hall, Park Lane.
The Lodge has been fortunate in having some very distinguished members. The Charter Master, W Bro Dr Teddy Schneider was admitted to the Court of Honour of the College of Medicine of South Africa - the highest honour the South African Medical Council can confer on a member. Other founders included Professor Raymond Dart (from the Apollo Lodge) who was responsible for the research carried out on the fossil remains of early man in Southern Africa; W Bro Harry Aspinall, who played a vital role in the Society of Electrical Engineers of South Africa, including writing its history; and W Bro Cecil Poulton, who was the District Grand Treasurer for 17 years from 1951.
Over the years the character of the Lodge has changed from one of study and research to one carrying on normal ritual activity and the pursuit of charity.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler