Consecrated 29th September 1967
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 2nd Monday Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, 1st Monday Dec Inst Oct
Contact 082 568 4101
Lodge History

Over the years Corona and Vernon Lodges had developed a very close association and the idea of forming a daughter lodge had come up more than once. The deciding factor, eventually, was not just that the two lodges were at full strength, but that the average age of members, and of candidates, was above the average with the result, especially in Corona, being an accumulation of brethren who had little hope of reaching the chair at a reasonable age. So Verona Lodge, sponsored by Corona, was formed and its Charter Master, James Lamplough Clark, deserves special mention. For although Jimmy Clark had suffered for many years from a very severe eyesight problem, he had not only achieved success in the business world but had become a 'pillar' of Corona Lodge, where he went through the chair in 1950/1, learning much of his ritual from recordings. The Charter Wardens were Douglas Vieler and Spencer Whiting, and the founders included John Garvey and Gordon Summerley, all of whose contributions have been recorded elsewhere in this history.
But apart from this Verona has supported the Transvaal District through Douglas Stephen (DG Treasurer 1974/9), Lewis Lang (Chairman of Library Committee 1976/84), Cyril Oakley (District Grands Secretary 1983/6), Tom Cloete (Dep District Grand Director of Ceremonies 1992/4), Brian Hackney (President of the Board of General Purposes from 1991), Owen Powell (District Grand Superintendent of Works from 1988 to 1994 and Assistant District Grand Master from 1994; and Ross ParryDavies (District Senior Grand Warden 1993/4).
This considerable contribution, in terms of service to Masonry, and the lodge's full responsiveness in responding to financial calls, has been supplemented by two 'promotions' of special interest. First, in Lewis Lang's year in the chair (1974/5) the lodge developed what were to become strong and continuing associations with two country lodges. The one lodge, Standerton, was going through a very difficult period and Verona was responding to a District request for assistance. The second association, with Ficksburg Lodge, started from an exchange of visits. The adoption of 'pairing' of town and country as official District policy was a direct consequence of the association between Verona and Standerton Lodges. Then, in 1982, the lodge sponsored the formation of Universal Friendship Lodge, seen as a positive step in promoting the accessibility of Masonry to all communities.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler